I'm not making an argument as much as I am seeking understanding. It seems to me that the idea of a 'Universal Church' existing is the same idea of all believers in Jesus of Nazereth throughout all ages. What's harmful with that?
What is HARMFUL?? Well, in the first place, it is not as though whether it is "harmful" or not, is (strictly speaking) the question....We should not engage in any form of an "argument from consequences". Theoretically, it is immaterial whether there are
KNOWN problems associated with this viewpoint or not... The ONLY thing that matters is whether or not it is strictly the Scriptural view. In other words, there may be negative results to this POV, that we are not yet even aware of.
That being said...When one justifies, or attempts to justify many of the Baptist distictives of separate existence or a separate distictive ecclesiological faith...many of our "justifications" so to speak, break down if we are mistaken in this view. I do not think this has necessarily occured yet, but I do not doubt it will end up an issue for our continued existence as a separate entity in the future for those who accept the notion of a "U-church" in the future. We will have far less, or, very little ground to stand upon when we attempt to distinguish between the office, purpose, and ordinance of the "church" once the line has been blurred.
The "Church" is the
1Ti 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. . If this is understood in a less than "institutional" sense...Let us say that if the "Church" the "pillar and ground" of the truth means then, something like...."all random Jesus lovers and Jesus accepters everywhere, including all charismatics and saved Roman Catholics, throughout all time an eternity." Then the "Church" as the Universalists would have it will have a very hard time "making disciples" and "teaching them to observe
ALL things, whatsoever I have commanded you".
Moreover, I am actually of the opinion that most or all "para-church" organizations, while many of them DO, in fact, perform many wonderful and necessary functions, the time, effort and resources spent on those tasks is capable of being accomplished and more efficiently by the local body, and it would be more efficient for Christ's cause if we dedicated them thus. Think Federal Government vs. the efficiency of Private enterprise. In other words..."Promise keepers" for whatever good they accomplish, are a sum total net loss of possible accomplishment available for the fulfillment of the "Great-Commission" if the total time, effort, and resources were spent on the local body, which, for those who believe in that ONLY, is where God himself will place the maximal concentration of his grace.
Consider this: "Promise keepers" "TBN network" all of it.....these "para-church organizations" have legitimately "accomplished" some wonderful things for Christ. But also consider:
Facing the Giants,
Courageous (and from before it was "pop")
Flywheel. How many countless Millions....literally, Millions....have been given the gospel of our Lord Jesus through the work of
ONE, yes,
ONE local Church body. One that knows and understands and feels the signifigance of the Great Commission. The one local "pillar and ground of the truth".
If you dislike fallacious Theology in local churches...blame the acceptance of the Universal Church idea for much of it. If you are annoyed at the thought that almost EVERY "so-called" Theologian who has graduated from an
allegedly "Baptist" seminary in these recent days is utterly inundated with the writings of John Calvin, and has no idea whatsoever what a Baptist actually is....(they don't). Consider the thought that to the "local church onlyist" he is little more than the bastard rebellious step-child of Romanism, and is therefore of little consequence to those who believe that the "Pillar and Ground" of the truth, has always existed throughout all ages, and at all times, even "from world without end". God never cared about the musings of Romish Papists, he also never cared about the musings of their "Reformation" step-children either. God established the local, Bible-Believing Baptist Church. And he made an INSTITUTION of it.
I may be missing the reason why people react so strongly to the idea of a 'universal church'. I'd like to ask those who dispute the idea of a universal church, what is lost if there is a 'universal church'?
Maybe, I waxed a little long and somewhat "preachy", but...then again...maybe I might be somewhat forgiven next time I react with such umbrage the next time anyone tries to shove the frikkin Puritans's "Historic Faith" down my throat....This is literally, in all ways merely a "Church" system
FOUNDED by a murderous and evil king....Hell-bent on using what he fallaciously called the "Church" to justify the divorcing of one of his numerous wives, some of whom he murdered. Whatever they knew or didn't know, whatever they got right or not....I used to think that at a
"BAPTIST" website we would not quote them and worship their musings as the very Oracles of God. That I would not hear Episcopalian Theology (because that is all it is) shoved down my throat. Well, I could care less what the "Puritans" think, I could care less what Rome thinks...I could also care less what her rebellious bastards think. If any Mod objects to the use of this term...consider, that it is being used by Biblical definition and contextually in it's literal sense as an argument against the "Protestantization" of traditional Baptist thought. I stop here before I "wax eloquent" :smilewinkgrin: