Dave G
Well-Known Member
I agree.Election is not is being born again you were born in sin like the rest of us.
Election is not the same as being born again...
It is God choosing unworthy and rebellious sinners to salvation, before the foundation of the world, through the sanctification of their spirit ( by the Spirit ) and through, ( not because of ) their belief of the truth.
I was born in sin just like any other person, and am totally unworthy of God having saved me.
It was and is all His work, start to finish.
I agree that I am not elect in the sense of being one of God's chosen earthly nation of Israel.You are not elect because you are not a Jew.
But I am elect ( the "Israel of God" ) because I am of His chosen "nation", spiritually;
I just happen to be a Gentile, and I see that all of God's precious children are elect, both Jew and Gentile alike.
I've also presented to you ( many times ) the Scriptures where Peter, Paul and John all address everyone that believes on Christ to be God's elect.
For example:
Romans 1:7, which addresses all that are in Rome,
Romans 8:33 which asks the question of "who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect", and that it is God who justifies them;
and Romans 11:13 which specifically addresses the Gentiles that were at Rome...
meaning the entire letter was addressed to God's elect at Rome.
But that seems to have not persuaded you.
Why, I cannot say...but I do know that it has taken me quite a while to put all the pieces together for myself, so I know that this isn't something that one will see overnight in their studies.
I agree once again.Election cannot save only Jesus Christ does the saving
Election does not save anyone.
What it does is to put people into the Lamb's Book of Life for His Son to save.
See John 17:2.
That is how I understand it, and you are free to disagree without me casting you in a bad light or insulting you.
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