Please define:"intimately involved"
I assume you are revisiting my post, so I will respond.
Intimately -
1. Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity.
2. Relating to or indicative of one's deepest nature: intimate prayers.
3. Essential; innermost: the intimate structure of matter.
4. Marked by informality and privacy: an intimate nightclub.
5. Very personal; private: an intimate letter.
6. Of or involved in a sexual relationship.
A close friend or confidant.
Involved - Connected by participation or association
The Lord Jesus spoke of the hair on the head being numbered, that the flowers are arrayed in less beauty than His care for humankind, and that a sparrow doesn't fall without His knowledge. Certainly, if the Lord knows the thoughts before they are even formed in the head, knows our members before we are formed in the womb, and knows our going out and coming in, then certainly he is in all points "intimately involved" especially with those who are called His own children.
These are bald assertions: please support these contentions. This is the onus of the OP.
God is not irrational. Nothing happens to the believer that He is not totally aware, nor meets His approval. The Scriptures teach that "the LORD searches all hearts, and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts..." That doesn't apply just to the believers, but to all humankind.
The Scriptures teach that all the ways of the wicked are known:
"And mine eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity: but I will recompense thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee: and ye shall know that I am the LORD. Thus saith the Lord GOD; An evil, an only evil, behold, is come. An end is come, the end is come: it watcheth for thee; behold, it is come."
If the Lord knows the ways of the wicked then He certainly knows those of the believer.
Therefore because God is a God of the rational - all things have purpose and reason.
Yes, the heathen farmer has good reason to believe that if he works hard and sows...then he might indeed reap a good harvest, hence, he does so, please explain how this answers the question in the OP....Whether or not others come and destroy it is not germaine to the question...not at all, sometimes they do....sometimes they don't.
I was taking the story of the Jews entering the land and the instructions of God that they would have what they didn't plant. Did God have reason? Did God have purpose?
Those are rhetorical questions that are not answered in the negative.
Allow me to throw out something...Did God shove your little sparrow out of the tree? The Scriptures do tell us that God knows it and is aware of it...but yet again......are you therefore implying that God has an individual purpose for every little act that occurs? Please support this.
God knowledge and purpose doesn't mean that God actually throws the sparrow out of the tree.
What might seem a "little act" by some, doesn't mean that it is little to God.
A worm is little, but it ate the shade Jonah enjoyed.
An amoeba is microscopic, but can destroy a brain.
What may be of greater concern is that the believer is in every aspect of living to acknowledge God, yet some would actually consider that God is not purposed in every aspect.
You pose this as a question as though we must assume what the answer you asked this as a question...Do tell? What is the answer...The OP was a seem to know said answer....tell us.
The Lord Jesus drew the comparison of the sparrow and the Lily when demonstrating the care and concern He holds of the believer.
The statement in the OP was that "Everything happens for a reason." And it does.