Deficits are created by doing one or both of two things, raising expenditures or reducing income. We have allowed the rich to get away with not paying their fair share of taxes as well as corporations to declare revenues in foreign countries or to exploit loopholes so they are also negligent in contributing to government income. Our bloated military budget is the highest in the world and greater than the total military budgets of the next 9 highest countries. We can't account for trillions of dollars spent by the Pentagon and there is collusion by the military industrial complex with the government which Eisenhower warned about. On the other hand, millions of Americans don't have acceptable medical insurance and are paid substandard wages which keep them below or near the poverty level. We will see graphic evidence of this after the restrictions on eviction / foreclosure are lifted currently set for the end of March. Families earning the median income can't afford a median priced apartment in the U. S. We need change to reverse the increasing inequality which was exacerbated by Reagan, both Bushes, and Trump. We are in a terrible economic situation and the manipulated stock market is feeding the situation. The chickens are coming home to roost and sooner rather than later.
Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. KJV
I take pause about our government because of this;
George Bush JR had the majority of elected republicans officials to have the opportunity to get the line item veto but did not.
Clinton had the opportunity to remove the tax breaks given to the rich by the Reagan era but did not.
The government during George Bush Jr faced the problem of bailing out the banks.. where transparency & some legal agreement that the banks will not do the things that got them in trouble in the first place was dropped before passing but under Obama, it passed the bill without the stipulation of transparency & lacking the agreement not to do those things that got the banks in trouble in the first place.
Our government under Obama assured that no homes will be foreclosed but reading my local papers, there were a lot of homes up for auction due to foreclosure and at various times too.
Both sides, the National News media reported the fleecing of America so... the fault of excess military spending will have to fall on both sides just as the pork for extra spending goes on both sides.
It is obvious to me that our government is playing the American people, testing how far they can get away with. Like little children with the attitude of like taking candy from a baby, I see both sides working towards that end.
Now Biden engages extra spending in pursuit of the Democratic dream in the middle of a pandemic that is not over yet &new strain variants are appearing in USA but we are thinking about lifting restrictions for kids to go back to school as well as automatically cancel mail in votes unless renewed in Pennsylvania for sure & mayhap elsewhere too?
Was it not our government that reneged on treaties with the American Indians & sanction wiping them out with a contagious disease? Does the Georgia Guidestones gives any one pause & why hasn't that been removed first since the people behind it are worse than that fictional Thanos from the Marvel Cinematic Universe? What if the people behind the Georgia Guidestones are responsible for the Covid 19 in doing the same thing to not only the American people but first to other parts of the world? How can anyone see Biden being on top of Sars & that other one during Obama administration, not care for the American people in stepping up to inform & offer instructions to Trump unless the CDC was the one that fumbled the football?
How is it that during this pandemic that Black Lives Matter also protested in Europe? How is it that Black Lives Matter.Org is teaching transgenderism? Why is it that Human Rights Organization made it a point to defend the rights of homosexuals at risk of being executed for being homosexuals in other countries ( which we all support generally ) but are helping in attacking conservatives in this country politically? Why did World Health Organization dropped transgenderism as a metal illness politically? Why are we taking our lead from W.H.O. instead of the CDC? Did the WHO failed us on purpose? Why weren't the measures for SARS in place to prevent the spread but not in place for Covid 19 when it has been in other countries as spreading months before it came to ours? Is this an undeclared war by the LGBTQ for losing support because they did not get away with bullying Scarlett Johannsson in social media or by the Jesuits Illuminati of the Georgia Guidestones planted in those organizations at work in keeping their Jesuit oath to create chaos in society & civilization & even Protestant churches?
Why did Trump with held about Covid 19 being contagious by air as explained in his book & yet he did not lead by example by that knowledge publicly? He did not act like it was scary stuff for not wearing a mask in public. is it not strange how they came up with the vaccine that quickly & not by a normal way of making a vaccine too like they do for flus?
All of this makes me think about how our government almost wiped out the American Indians. Pike, a member of the Illuminati, seemingly stated that they were responsible for the Civil War; was it to reduce the population out of covetousness too? Is our government officials being led by Jesuit mentalists, tempting them to do that or are some of our elected officials are Jesuits/ Freemasons members?
I digress. Regardless of what is going on since the devil himself could be leading sinners & believers that serve sin in that accomplishing his goals.... Jesus is still Lord.
In the eyes of the Lord, the love of money is the root of all evil. So no matter who gets elected, the American Christians should have been praying for our elected leaders because God is able to lead them to do the right thing and or restrain them or put off from doing the wrong thing. I place my trust in the Lord to take care of our country better than our elected officials, but it could very well be the Lord is allowing iniquity to flourish because they love money more than Him & a lot of people are behaving in the same way in defrauding one another too, including those who profess Him as Christians.
1 Thessalonians 4:6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. KJV