Do we have to understand why someone chooses to honor another? Why on earth are so many bothered by folks choosing to honor the boy's memory?
He wasn't a superstar. But he was somebody's child.
Perhaps they want to acknowledge that though he may not be important to the world like an Elvis or a Ronald Reagan, his life mattered to the ones who loved him. Perhaps they sympathize with a lost that could very well have been their's or a family member's own.
Zaac, there is no one on this board jumping up and down with glee that a black kid was killed by a non-black (Zimmerman is not white, totally, like Obama is not black, totally, which kinda doubles his hypocrisy), compared to those who will be satisfied only by the destruction of another person's life even if it means an unfair and biased proceeding places that person behind bars just because he killed a man of color.
Let me explain that further.
We all are parents or siblings here, but here's what it is.
From the get-go every politically correct bigot, from the president to the media, have been trying Zimmerman by publicity on the grounds that he killed a black young man.
Instead of trying to keep the peace between races, they are stirring the pot, even before the law has been followed, the legal processes observed, and the accused tried by a jury of his peers.
If anyone is showing a craving for blood, no matter how it is slaked, it is the Trayvon Martin side, and those who purport to "feel their grief", "identify with him", yadayadayada.
The jury has spoken, clearly scrutinized the findings of the FBI, and, though their emotions WANT Zimmerman in jail, THE LAW says he should be set free.
I am a non-white.
But I can see that no matter which way the table is turned, Zimmerman is on the losing side because the blacks want things to be done THEIR way, not the law's way, and all because they can't seem to get out of their slavery past.
If Zimmerman died at the hands of Trayvon Martin, and the law says Trayvon Martin MUST go to jail, these people, from Obama to Holder to Rihanna to Beyonce, to Jamie Foxx, to the Crips and the Bloods and everyone else in between with a chip on their shoulder because they're black and their mommas and poppas and gramps and grammys were exploited in the past, will want to get even and set Trayvon Martin free.
And that is simply not right, and fair, and not the way a country of laws is supposed to operate.
We might as well be a Taliban-operated country.
Why are CHRISTIANS so bothered by this?
In the first place, this is not a "Christianity" question. This is a political question, or a current events question. Our Christianity is not worse off and yours better.
It just shows a lot of us here have a different perspective on this issue, and if you've been reading the news lately you would find that A LOT OF BLACKS out there are not necessarily buying the hypocrisies of these so-called "celebrities".
I salute you for how you feel about this issue, but you can't have everyone look at things your way.