I think we get too invested in the form of the worship service, rather than the substance of the worship services.
There's nothing wrong with the form of the worship service that is being parodied, unless it is not authentic. (And I think that's the real point of the video.) There's nothing wrong with using modern media, instruments, and styles to set a tone for worship, as long as they do not detract from worship. I visited a church that had a format like this back in 2013 and I thought it was better than most of the "traditional" churches I have visited - there was obviously a lot more time and care invested in preparation than in most churches - but it wasn't really for me.
True worship happens in the heart and life of the individual worshipper, and then in the community of worshippers who set themselves aside and indulge in God's holy presence. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen often in most churches - no matter the format. Styles of music, instruments, lighting, use of solid pulpits, amplification, pipe organ, the suit or a tacky Hawaiian shirt on the preacher - none of that truly affects whether or not one's heart is bent toward worship.