Do you listen to sermons?
All the time.
How is that different from reading books?
Well, for one, when we read Scripture we are allowing God to work in our hearts, to illuminate the Word to us.
Most people do not actually ahve a faith they can call their own, their faith is on loan from their Pastor.
Did your preacher read books?
He did, and does. As a matter of fact he recommended a book as I was leaving Sunday.
I am sure he did, though I can't verify that specifically. But isn't that what people expect? For those in leadership to have a degree? lol
Why is it that a man being indoctrinated and then given a piece of paper stating he has sufficiently bowed to that indoctrination makes one a spokesman for Christ?
I know of only one Scholar among the Apostles, that was Paul. The rest were pretty ordinary guys, with the exception of one thing: they believed God would do what He said He would do.
Again, did you ever listen to a sermon you agree with?
In total? Not in quite some time. There is always going to be something in every sermon we can criticize (and I don't mean criticism in a bad way).
It is no different from reading a book.
There is a big difference between reading and listening. When we read, we engage our mind in a more active manner. Secondly, as I said, we allow God to work in our hearts rather than imposing the bias all preachers place into their sermons.
Lastly, while a sermon may have the Word f God in is not the Word of God.
Big difference.
But we too are held accountable for rejecting God's word brought to us in books and sermons alike.
Apparently you don't believe that. I have just given you Scripture that makes it clear that God has not cast away His people and that they will be brought into relationship with Him under the promised New Covenant...
...and you have rejected that Word.
God bless.