I once looked at a PDF of Jack's big book Forever Settled, then quit reading when I saw that he quotes Ruckman over and over as a "scholar."
This and other documents show a clear link between the Dean Burgon Society and Peter Ruckman's teachings. If the DBS (and Moorman in particular) wants to be taken seriously, they should openly disavow such respect for railer and heretic Ruckman.
And I suppose the "scholarship" that James White received at an online diploman mill (Columbia Evangelical) was so much better. It is funny that many of the "scholars" cited against the KJV graduated from Bob Jones University (and in Moorman's case, Tenn Temple where NORRIS [Logos] attended), but yet Ruckman's not a real scholar, but Custer is even though they graduated from the SAME COLLEGE and Ruckman has an earned PhD, Thd.
It tickles me to no end the double standards you fellas apply to "scholarship".
Or even better, the REAL scholars are the ones like White's friend Alan Kirschner and Mike Majewski who took A course from HARVARD of all places (where they teach the German Rationalism form of higher textual criticism developed by non Christians) and those type are the REAL scholars. Of course, a person that begins with the presupposition that the Bible is the word of God can't possibly be "scholarly" unless they get a $100,000 education from a man-approved secular university that specializes in casting doubt about not only ANY version of the Bible, but the very existence of God.
I'll take Peter Ruckman and Jack Moorman over any of your scholarship only fakes any day of the week.