I see. I have to show proof with dates, times, and precise locations in triplicate (which I did) to back up my statements but all you guys have to do is mutter more magic words "they're a bunch of liberals" end of story!
I get it now. To be an all knowing expert on everything one only need to know a few magical words.
20 years of research and 15 years worth of documentation can be swept away by using a few magic words so what are some of those magical debate ending words? Let's see, there's "conspiracy theory" that's like the nuclear option.
In a sentence . . .
"I don't have to look at 15 or 20 years worth of documentation to know it's bull because it's all a conspiracy theory I win you lose!"
Then there's "they're a bunch of liberals" so they can't have a valid concern or opinion or court ruling.
In a sentence . . .
"A panel of three judges are wrong because they are a bunch of liberals."
"Anti American".
In a sentence . . .
"How dare you question the US military or the police don't you know that's anti American you liberal?"
In a sentence . . .
"I don't care if those guys are experts and professional investigators that claim Obama's birth certificate is a forgery, they're just talking nonsense!"
I win you lose!
Tell me oh wise and all knowing experts on everything why do we have these sacred cows that we aren't allowed to question? And why are the rules different for you when it comes to backing up your own statements? Why should people have to go to the trouble to provide "proof" that you won't even consider looking at?
Is that the kind of guy you are TC, really? Calling people dumb if they don't submit after you toss out your magical words and incantations.
What happens when that doesn't work? Will I have to look at that big picture of you in your uniform again to make me suddenly feel compelled to bow down to your "authoritah"? Laugh
I think using magical words and incantations as proof positive that your statements are beyond reproach is dumb but I don't hit the "dumb" button every time someone uses them in an attempt to cast a spell over a debate. That would be dumb. I'd wear out my computer because casting spells on debates by using magical words is considered "normal" now.
Let's just call it what it is. It's the "conservative" version of political correctness. It's just another way to avoid looking at facts and information that might call your opinion into question and to shut down debate.
Political correctness is dumb I agree but it's even more dumb for "conservatives" to use their own brand of PC to shut down debate, "prove" they're right and to protect their own sacred cows.