It's bad, but it's also way above my pay grade. If I worried as much as you do, about what has happened over the last fifty years, I'd go nuts. I am only responsible for what God has given into my hand. I refuse to spend emotional energy as you do on matters which I have no control or influence.
Are you attempting to convince me or you with these statements Squire?
While they might sound reasonable and act as a balm to sooth your own mind by granting yourself absolution from any complicity in past or present events the truth is you do have control and you have spared little energy in using the influence you most certainly do have over such matters.
What's that old saying by Edmund Burke, do you remember it?
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
In your case it might read . . . "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to make it seem less threatening and inevitable."
In TC's case it might read "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to try to conceal it's existence from others."
Whether you want to admit it or not you have spared little energy in using your influence to control the information other's have a right to see and examine for themselves. You and TC make a good team in that effort.
He attempts to exert control by using his influence to conceal facts and information people have a right to see and examine for themselves and after this has failed to conceal it you step in and attempt to exert control by using your influence to make it seem less threatening and to instill the idea that people have no control once those facts and information are revealed.
I understand that you probably don't even realize that you are doing this. But that doesn't mean you aren't doing it.
God has given the power to influence others and control what is happening around you into your hand. That should be self evident to anyone that has read the Bible. You have chosen to use that power to deny and/or downplay important information people have a right to see and examine for themselves in order to make rational informed decisions.
Folks listen any time you hear people using magic words like "conspiracy theory" or "tin foil hat" they are trying to conceal information that could be very important to you and your loved one's future. You have a right to decide what information you can look at you have a right to decide what's good and what's bad, what can be changed and what can't but these people would take those rights away from you. Don't let them.
When you hear people saying "why worry about things we have no control over" they are lying to you plain and simple. They might not think they are lying and they might have all the best intentions in the world and it doesn't automatically make them bad people, okay. I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is we do have control over such things. We can influence change.
The people who tell us we don't have influence and control over what's going on around us are just making up excuses for their own apathy and complacency.
Don't listen to these people that would have us believe we are powerless and there's no other choice but to keep our heads down and go with the program. They're lying to themselves and not doing you any favors by convincing you to think the same way they do.
Has anyone noticed what we aren't discussing in this thread yet?
That's right we're not discussing those concerns that where brought up earlier. No doubt I'll get another half dozen or so negative ratings from the guy or guys that never wanted them to be brought up much less discussed. They think it's "dumb" to have concerns over such things as . . .
1. The military performing their drills in American cities without permission from the civil authorities.
2. The military or those representing the military intimidating or using coercion to obtain permission from civil authorities to perform their drills in American cities.
3. The military or those representing the military bribing or attempting to bribe civil authorities into granting them permission to perform their drills in American cities.
They think you are dumb. They are trying to sell you a narrative. They are trying to convince you that you are powerless. They want to make you believe you are powerless because they feel powerless. They want you to do nothing because they do nothing. They want you to stay uninformed and feel as powerless as they do so they won't be alone when they walk off that cliff.
I think that's really dumb. But I'm not setting here with my finger on the button trying to force them to shut up or conform to my way of thinking by giving them a bunch bad ratings. I believe it has already been established in another thread that's what small minded people that lose control of the narrative do.