that's true ... and it's also true The Word tells of a MAN, an individual, who will be The Antichrist exercising the unholy parallel to Jesus on earth ... hence the name/title ... for a time.It says that the spirit of antichrist has always been around.
right again ... just don't make me uncomfortable. (tic)As Christians, we have no fear of death.
The opposition to the gospel may be greater here in this land of "babylon" but the Church is marching onward.
without a doubt. One of the greatest blessings this nation has afforded its citizens has also made it easy to be blind to the need of a savior. That whole rich man/camel/needle eye deal. The things of the world. Are we ready to be weaned from all of this? I like to say I am ... now in the post challenge for my career job ... but I know I'll fight to keep what I have as long as I can, too. But see, I don't love my job unto death, AC. I've been given the understanding of whom I am to trust ... from the beginning of this pestilence. I won't tell you whom you are to trust only in Whom I trust.
... then the extension to that commitment is the actual passage of Rev 12: (11?) .... overcame by the Blood of The Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives unto death. e.g. lose it to save it.
This is what I've been taught in this pestilence. I recognize you disagree and that's fine for you. Perhaps you'll be one of the legitimate few who play with snakes and drink poison. But few is necessary because that activity reveals God's power over those things. If everyone does it, it's not unique.