1. There is no such thing as "total depravity" in the Holy Bible. As I have shown from John 5:25, Jesus very clearly says that the spiritual dead CAN HEAR the Gospel!
I can't help but notice you dodged the question. Here it is again:
1. So what part of man, body, soul, or spirit, do you think was not affected by the fall and is holy enough to approach God on its own merits?
2. What makes the Calvinist "elite" in God's eyes?
Please post a quote from me where I ever made such a foolish claim.
And, again, you dodged the question. Here it is again:
2. What condition of holiness did you meet that caused God to elect you to heaven that your neighbor, who is obviously inferior to you, does not meet?
3. The sins of the whole human race have been "atoned" for, but without repentance and forgiveness, they cannot be forgiven. You have a false understanding of the Bible to suggest that the Atonement was "actual", and not "potential"
So did Jesus lie when He said "It is finished?" That is, "actual" not "potential," waiting for you to add something to it?
And, again, I can't help but notice you dodged the question (again). Here it is again:
3. If the atonement is applied to everybody without distinction then their sins are forgiven and they go to heaven. If not, how does a sinless person end up in hell?
4. There are many instances in the Bible which clearly show that God's Grace, and Mercy was "resisted" which is what the Jews in the OT did on many occasions, and still happens today. Stephen in his message in Acts 7 told the Jews that they "resist" the Holy Spirit!
Yes, we all know that. But it has nothing whatsoever to do with God's Grace being efficacious.
And, once again, you dodged the question, so, here it is again:
4. If the Grace of God is powerless to achieve that which He intended it to achieve does that make God impotent? Unable to achieve His own goals?