God certainly is a God a love. He is also a God of wrath. One of His attributes does not negate the others.What's so hard to believe about that? God is a God of LOVE! He's provided a great salvation! That salvation really is coming into relationship with him. He doesn't force a relationship on another because he is LOVE. Believing is taking an action (believing is a verb) it means willfully choosing to identity with what Christ did for us on the cross.
Identifying with him means I choose to be in relationship with YOU. So God has done two things in LOVE. Provided salvation and in LOVE made sure it's going to be a GENUINE TRUE LOVE relationship and not forced like Calvinists or Monergists advocate.
God has provided a great salvation. Salvation is coming into a relationship with Him. We are agreed on that.
God does not force that relationship on His redeemed. We are even agreed on that. You may ask, "We are agreed on that? But you are a Mongergist! How can you agree that God does not force a relationship with Himself?" I am glad you asked. The Holy Spirit, through regeneration, changes the sinner's heart making the sinner capable of believing, and believing willingly (Ezk. 36:26). God is the One who moves upon the heart of man, not the other way around (Eph. 2:4-5). God is the One who first loves us (1 John 4:19).
In all my years of being a Christian (a non-Calvinsit one) I've never heard anyone claim they're BETTER than other people because they've obeyed God and made a choice for God. What I hear is we're all a work in progress and he that is without sin let him cast the first stone.
This attributing a negative condescending persona on fellow believers claiming they think they're BETTER than other human beings is most ungracious and quite frankly is a deception. It's akin to being an accuser of the brethren. Please reconsider your position in doing such.
It is just logic, friend. The Synergist's argument fails because it makes the individual the fulcrum on which salvation pivots. Synergists believe God will not violate the will of the creature. He brings the sinner to the water, but the sinner has to decide whether or not to drink. At that moment the sinner is in charge of his own fate. If you disagree with that then you are forced to concede the Monergist position, which is that the Holy Spirit regenerates God's elect. Then, and only then, can the individual exercise faith.
The rest of your post is just a regurgitation of what you already said.
What is most UNFORTUNATE is that you do not see how glorious our sovereign God is. We do nothing to merit our salvation and we can do nothing to keep it. God delivers us from a wicked unbelieving heart that can never believe in Him unless he makes that heart capable. That is the true liberating power of God's unmerited favor, of His grace.