Adam's sin was rebellion against God, nothing more.DHK.
You have no faith in God? Is God dead to you or cannot he not reveal His present truth to you. Do you know what Adam's sin was? He heard someone else other then God and followed that voice. in other words religion.
God reveals His truth through his word. The Bible says: "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
How do you receive revelation--through rocking on your chair? You still haven't explained that to me yet.
Luther followed the truth as he studied the Bible. When he studied the Bible he found the great doctrine "justified by faith alone," a doctrine not taught in the RCC, and thus opposed the RCC because of it. This was but one of the factors in the Reformation.Take Luther one of the great men of God in Christian history,
You see the difference between Lutherans and Luther is Luther heard God and followed God where God led him. Luther was a great man of God; Luther was in what the Bible calls the present truth.
Do as Luther did. Study your Bible. Find out the truth for yourself.Many base their faith on Luther or some religious man/system; but where does it say we are suppose to base our faith on man, or Luther
Be as the Bereans in Acts 17:11
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Since there was no church in the OT, I request that you stick to the NT.Let me used God’s Word to show you more what I mean.
If you followed God's Word you would not believe in the heresy of universalism.Its like God wants you to drive a band new car, but your still riding a model T; because you refuse to believe God’s Word has any more to say.
First, God does not go contrary or beyond what is written in His Word.2 Peter 1:12
Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.
Present truth; in other words as the truth is revealed you move with it. When a truth is reveled to you receive it and walk not with mans traditions; but what the spirit of truth reveals. Something’s are beyond what the human mind can receive; that is why God sent His spirit to lead and guide us in all truth. The anointing or the Christ is with in you; if you against the anointing; you are anti Christ.
Second, as requested you have given me no evidence that you have an anointing, therefore you have just condemned yourself as anti Christ.
Care to restate your position??
He didn't hear God. He studied the Bible, and Biblical truth was revealed to him through study.Luther was not perfect when it comes to his life and his understanding; but Luther heard God and walked in the present truth God revealed to him.
Then study the Bible and not Luther. Isn't that an easy answer.Not like the modern day Lutherans who hear only Luther and walk after Luther not the Christ with in them; they are so Lutheran, their worn out wine skins cannot receive the new wine of revelation. God is speaking to day with His present truth; but the vast majorities of God’s people only hear men and reject God’s anointing.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.God’s deep truth are heard by individuals (singular) not by systems of religions (plural ears). Hearing is not with natural ears, carnal ears, or even religious ears.
The elect are those who have trusted those as Savior and none else. Those who have rejected Christ will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire and be tormented in its flames forever and ever.The elect are those who hear; the word “hear” is mentioned 46 times in the Book of Revelation. Hear singular; not plural; notice the word over comer is so often used with the word hear singular. The word see is mentioned 22 times and this has nothing to do with natural hearing and seeing,
Only believers are the elect of God.The elect of God are not all believers.
The elect of God will overcome.The elect of God our the overcomers;
I know I am of the elect because I have trusted Christ as my Savior. I need no other reason than that. I do not need to question God, call his integrity into question or infer that he is a liar.only those see and hear what the spirit is saying to the out called. They are a far cry from the vast majority of believers who think because they are simply believing because they are the elect.
Do you?