Hello C4K
If Winman doesn’t mind, I will respond to something you asked him.
You asked........
“So changing the Bible is acceptable if it clarifies the passage, correct?”
Now I can’t answer for Winman, but for myself, the answer is yes.
But.....as Winman has pointed out many times, today’s scholarship, will not stop there.
As a matter of fact, from what I have learned about what happened back in 1881, Wescott & Hort were originally commissioned to do just that, with the KJB, but they took the opportunity that they had been given and tried to completely replace the KJB New Testament, with their own man-made Greek text.
Now back to the point.
Yes, it would be great if the KJB could be “HONESTLY” updated, sticking to it’s TR roots; Changing some of the English words that have changed meaning.
But, this will never happen, because of the tremendous pressure that the publisher will be put under, to take in to account, all the discoveries that have been made over the last 400 years, including Wescott & Hort’s perverted text.
Now, some may ask...”What’s wrong with considering those discoveries”?
And my response will be, “What’s wrong with God’s Word?” Can it be IMPROVED by “man’s discoveries”.
You don’t FIX God’s Word, it FIXES you!!!