I can't believe I even have to explain this to an adult.
I feel the same way.
Firstly, you assume this person is homeless. Is that because he's black? No? Why then is he homeless?
Because the OP said he is a homeless man. Also, I looked up the incident and the story is that he is a homeless man. Moreover, he is dressed in the way people who live on the street often dress.
I have no reason to disbelieve that the man is homeless.
Secondly, neither is making eye contact.
At that very moment, they are not looking each other in the eye, but their postures indicate that they are interacting.
I could make the argument that Biden is so disrespectful to the man that he is ignoring him while looking at a piece of paper.
You could. That would be in line with your contempt for Biden and hating your enemies. But just because you could make the argument doesn't mean it is a GOOD argument or is supported by the photo. I just means you can string words together.
Thirdly, there is no pen that I can see
I took
that detail from the OP. Maybe you should attack Adonia for saying such a thing. But you have been silent on this concern up to this point. That's telling.
You have deluded yourself because of your political ideology...

So your argument is that because I don't like Joe Biden, I have NEVER voted for Joe Biden and DON'T EVER want him in political office again, I am deluding myself to believe he might actually be doing a good thing because of my political beliefs?! 

...and that scares the heck out of me, because there are millions like you, seeing what isn't there...
It's called "loving one's enemy" by not assuming the worst of them without evidence. Jesus talked about it. You need to check into it.
...and having the power of the vote.
It is better that persons who love their enemies have the vote than persons who hate their enemies.