Neither would Ben and his buddies, so we end up with even more people out of work.
The up side of all of this is that Obama will spread the wealth around so Ben and his buddies will get freebies from the government.
Hey, maybe that will include some of us. Maybe we conservatives have the wrong attitude about all of this and it will be fun getting handouts from the rich! I'm actually starting to look foward to this and am practically giddy with excitement.
We can quit our jobs (my work is low anyway) and stand in line for the goodies. Maybe we've been fools to cling to a work ethic for all of our lives.
I hope Obama reinstitutes the government cheese program some older folks used to get back in the old days when Democrats ruled - that was the best grilled cheese sandwich I ever ate at Grandma's house!! Maybe we'll all get cheese which is okay with me as long as it isn't from China, lol.
Maybe I'll drive up to Ohio and vote and cast 73 votes for the big O.