Well-Known Member
I am not sure what you mean by "equal." But I know that Christ's Sacrifice of Himself on the cross benefits all people of all times.
Okay. If you want to know what a "reformed" person believes you will have to ask one. As I have stated over and over again on this forum, I am not "Reformed." I am an Historic, Particular Baptist. Nothing "Reformed" about me or what I believe.
I believe the Atonement (not the Death - different subject) is sufficient for all persons at all times. But it is efficient ONLY for Believers.
If you disagree with that, do you believe the Atonement is efficient for unbelievers, and there will, therefore, be unbelievers in Heaven?
Yes, the Gospel Call is universal.
Exactly. Thanks again for making my point. The EFCs believe, for the most part, what I believe and what Particular Baptists have believed since their beginnings.
equally for the entire human race. In that ANY sinner can come to Jesus to be saved, because His blood was shed for ALL without exception, and not only for the "elect". Repentance and belief is a pre-requirement for all sinners to have their sins washed away. Not that there is no hope for the so-called "non-elect".