The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
"Without the Spirit" is what the text says as much as it does in Jude 19. This person considers the things of God as foolishness. And 1 Cor. 1:18 tells us that those who are perishing regard the message of the cross as foolishness. This person is lost.
Here is the verse:
1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
It says nothing of a lost man.
1. It describes a "natural man". From Strong's
ψυχικός, psuchikos, psoo-khee-kos'
From G5590; sensitive that is, animate (in distinction on the one hand from G4152, which is the higher or renovated nature; and on the other from G5446, which is the lower or bestial nature): - natural, sensual.
The above definition does no eliminate Christians. I can go through the posts of different individuals (especially banned ones) and point to posts that are very carnal and sensual by believers. They were not written by spiritual Christians.
Every Christian at times acts out of their carnal nature!
The above does not say that an individual is either lost or does not have the Spirit of God.
2. He does not receive the things of the Spirit of God.
This does not say ALL the things of the Spirit of God. Context dictates that he cannot receive the "deep truths of the Spirit of God."
1 Corinthians 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea,
the deep things of God.
--This has been the context all the way through. They are immature, carnal believers, can only take milk and not the meat of the Word, unable to understand the "deep truths of the things of god." That is the context.
It falls under our doctrine of
"Illumination". There is no indication that this refers to an unsaved person.
"They are foolishness unto him"
The deep truths of God" are foolishness to a carnal believer. Trying to understand the book of Revelation to a person who barely understands the gospel and the need to be baptized is foolishness. He usually comes up with all kinds of wild ideas. This is just an example. It does not mean that he is unsaved, just a babe in Christ, immature, whose mind is on other matters most of the time. Not every believer is "spiritual;" they all don't grow at the same time. They all don't give up their cigarettes the first day that they are saved, so to speak. But some do.
"Neither can he know them" Know what?? Know the deep truths of God of course! Only the Spirit can guide him into that, and the Spirit uses the Word of God which this new believer has been avoiding. He is still a babe in Christ, a carnal one.
Why? "Because they are spiritually discerned" or judged, examined.
They are not able to judge spiritual things because of their immaturity.
There is nothing in this verse that says anyone is void of the Holy Spirit. Why would you suppose there is. Only Calvinism reads that meaning into this verse.
1 Cor. 2:14 says nothing of the deep things of God. This person cannot accept anything from the Spirit of God.
Start at the beginning of the chapter and read slowly through it. That is what Paul is speaking about--comprehension of the deeper truths of the Word--illumination. If you are fixated on just this one verse of course you won't get it.
You have a loosey-goosey notion of the word spiritual. You treat it like most people of the world do --you abuse it. Listen, if someone does not have the Holy Spirit dwelling within they cannot be considered spiritual.
Talk about "loose goosey notions!!
Look! I had many spiritual teachers when I went to Bible college.
I also had some carnal room-mates, at times. But they were still believers.
I am sorry that you can't see that difference.
The one who is spiritual, not only has the Holy Spirit, but also is separated from the world, and is walking in a spiritual manner so that others can see his spirituality, that is, they know that he is a believer.
He knows he does not have "the right" to go to the bars, etc. or to live as the world lives. He is spiritual. A spiritual man will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in his life.
Of course not. If one does not, cannot welcome the things that come from the Spirit of God --considers them foolishness --this person is most definitely unsaved. There is no way around it DHK.
There are many believers that do not welcome the discipline that it takes for one to be spiritual. It is not easy for everyone to read their bible regularly, pray regularly, witness on a regular basis, be in constant fellowship with other believers, show the fruit of the Spirit as opposed to the works of the flesh on a constant basis, etc. This is what being spiritual is all about--exemplifying Christ in you.
On the contrary, this person wants nothing to do with Christ --ridicules the things of God --cannot understand the things of God because the things of God can only be discerned by someone with the Spirit of God. This person is unregenerate.
Who said they wanted nothing to do with Christ? You are reading more into the verse than is there. It says nothing about an unregenerate person but one who hasn't grown in Christ. Your presuppositions get in your way of properly interpreting this verse and taking it out of the context it is in.
You fail to read the scripture before and after. Remember there were no chapter divisions when it was written.
For me to have to explain this simple, Bible 101 stuff to you repeatedly is amazing. Here you are witnessing to people (or did so in the past) teaching them the Word of God. Yet you have trouble grasping the elementary and obvious.
Perhaps you need Bible 101. I don't need your condescension.
You need Bible comprehension. Stop reading into the verse that which is not there.