My point is that you can't say it's ok for God to blind people but it's not ok for God to unblind people. That makes no sense to me.Amy, you should know this already, this is your second go around here
What do you mean by the "means"?It's the MEANS, not the blinding and the un-blinding. I'm having a hard time understanding how just in a couple weeks you can present a solid, biblical argument in regards to the atonement and scope...and now revert back using the normal cal "pet verses" and not the whole of Scripture
I haven't changed my mind on the atonement. I don't know what you mean here.
I guess it seems like I've gone of the cliff, but like I've been saying lately, you can't explain the what and why of everything God does. Is man responsible to believe and repent? Yes. Does God choose who He saves? Yes. Does God open everyone's eyes to the gospel? No. Not only does scripture bear that out, but we see it in our lives with those who have heard the gospel, who even believe God is creator, yet are never saved. The older I get, the more I see this happening.
Paul had to be knocked to his knees and blinded by Christ to be brought to salvation. He was completely convinced in his own mind that Christians deserved death. Jesus opened his mind and heart. Paul had nothing to do with it. Now people like to say, well God only does that with certain people and I say baloney. We do not open our own eyes. You cannot will yourself to believe.
John 6:44 says no man can come to Christ expect that the Father draws him.
That seems simple to me. I don't have all the answers, but scripture says what it says.