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Not in the least.
In the most. Neither you nor any other sinful man is qualified to righteously judge that somebody ELSE's life be taken because of committing a sin. It is a judgment to be rendered by God and God alone.
First, abortion is the denial of due process and capital punishment is the result of due process.
That's a bunch of hoo hoo. Man's due process is not valid in righteously following due process to determine life or death. We're all sinners. It's impossible for us to do so if you believe Scripture. It would render us all hypocrites to kill someone for breaking the same law that we ALL are guilty of breaking.
From a non-Christian perspective that sort of due process may be allowed. But from a BIBLICAL Christian perspective, no one outside of GOD HIMSELF is capable of making such a righteous decision and that's why the OT is full of HIM giving the command for His people to kill. HE had righteously passed judgment, not them.
If Christians believe Scripture, we're all guilty of breaking the same law. And if some are due death for breaking the law, then we must accept that we are also. That is CONSISTENT with why no sin can be in God's presence and why even one sin makes us worthy of death and hell.
This is why the lost world doesn't listen to the church. We want to point the finger at everyone else's faults with no consideration that ours are the same.
Just another reason why judgment will begin with the church. We are unrepentant because we refuse to acknowledge our sin as sin. I don't know too many folks who could RIGHTEOUSLY consider it loving their neighbors as themselves to approve of death for that neighbor for breaking the same law that they are guilty of breaking, while not approving of the same death for themselves.
The governing authorities' way is not God's way. Scripture says 3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Phi. 2:3-5
How is it esteeming others better than ourselves when we prescribe death to them but life for ourselves when we've both broken the same law? That's selfishness. That's vainglory that's concerned about self and not others.
That IS NOT the way of Christ and is as far away from what He exampled as was the stuff the Pharisees did.
Second, through due process, taking the most valuable thing from one who has taken the most valuable thing from someone else without due process shows that which was taken through murder to be of great value. To not take the most important thing from the murder--his life--is to greatly decrease the value of the life taken, and life in general.
Again, a bunch of hoo hoo coming from CHRISTIANS. That may be the thought process of the unsaved, but it is inconsistent for folks who are supposed to know Christ to advocate such a thing.
Do you or any other Christian on here also advocate the taking of the life of every living mother who has ever aborted a child?
Now, we must be careful about how capital punishment is applied. We should make a distinction between first and second-degree murder. The Old Testament required capital punishment for first-degree murder (after an investigation according to due process, by the way). However, in a situation of second-degree murder or manslaughter, there were cities of refuge.
Furthermore, not everything the Old Testament requires capital punishment for should be enacted today. But, capital punishment is certainly the proper response to first-degree murder.
Why? Thou shalll not murder is part of the same law as thou shall not lie. You, me and every other Christian is guiltyof breaking the SAME law as Scripture says.
I endorse life for me as I'm sure you do for yourself. So why aren't you and other Christians loving your neighbor as you love yourself and advocating the same thing for them that Jesus has given you?
Why would folks who have been forgiven advocate the death of anyone who has broken the same law that they have been forgiven of breaking?
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