No, shame on him for lying about JM's position on the blood and that he and his radio program are heading toward Hyper-Calvinism.Good for Lowell Davey,
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No, shame on him for lying about JM's position on the blood and that he and his radio program are heading toward Hyper-Calvinism.Good for Lowell Davey,
Thank you for postingTo show the true colors of the sheer spirit of hatred that existed in John Calvin one need look no further than the "John Calvin's Treatise Against Ana-Baptist" book. And here is how he begins....
TO write against all the false opinions & errours of the Anabaptists, should be a thing too long, & such a bottomless pit, as I could not well come out of. For this canker differeth in this thing from all other sects of hereticks: that she hath not erred only in certain points: but she hath engendered a whole sea, as it were, of foolish & false opinions. In such wise that scant shall a man find one Anabaptist which hath not some fantasy singular: which his fellows have not. So that if we would pluck out, or rehearse all their wicked doctrines, we should never make an end. But now at length they become unto two principal sects: whereof the one, though she be full of wicked & pernicious errours, yet doth she abide in much more simplicity. For she yet receiveth the holy scripture, as we do. And if men do dispute with those that be of that sect, it shall be perceived wherein they differ from us, & they will express their meaning, & in conclusion it may be perceived in what they accord, & wherein they dissent. The second sect is a mass of such foolish & beastly opinions, as the like cannot be found, insomuch that it is wonder how creatures which bear the figure of a man, can be so clean without sense & reason, as to suffer themselves so to be deceived, & fall into fantasies more than brutish. This sect call themselves libertines. And counterfeit so much the spiritual, that they set no more by the word of God, than they do by fables: except it be when it pleaseth them, and when as they may deprave it, and by force make it to serve for their devilish opinions. And besides this they have a charming or croaking as it were Cranes, so that a man cannot tell what it is, that they would say, and no more do they wot what it is themselves: but that by this craft they cover the filthiness of their doctrine. For their principles are to confound all differences between good & ill, & to mingle God so with the Devil that it should not be discerned between the one and the other, and so to make men not only without all feeling in their consciences before God: but also without shame before the world. Now see you wherefore they drive themselves into such caves of obscure and doubtful words, to the end that their villainy should not be perceived, lest we should have them in horror and execration. As indeed our nature repugneth against such monstrous things as they bring forth. So now to write in a sum against the errours of the Anabaptists, the shortest and most expedient way is to keep this division, and to gather apart in one treatise the errours of them which be not altogether so mad and desperate: and in another treatise to discover the venomous malice of those wicked, which under the colour of spirituality, would make men like unto brute beasts. - John Calvin
If you think John Calvin was a warm and loving guy... I've got news for You!
He was a warm, person he was not haughty. He cared about others. He grieved for other and sympathized with them. You need to read his letters to get a full-orbed idea.
John Calvin then goes on to compare the Ana-Baptist to Sadducees, mad bedlams, and of wicked opinions,
[Calvin apologist Willem] Balke labors to justify this unchristian vilification on the part of Calvin....[He] attempts to justify Calvin's very embarrassing rhetoric on the basis that all sixteenth-century polemics descended to this level
However, Balke's repeated attempts to justify Calvin's severe denigration of the Anabaptists fail to accomplish his purpose for two reasons: First, the Reformers' guide to decorum should not have been the accepted practices of the world, but the standards clearly spelled out in Scripture....And, second, Balke neither quotes nor cites similar language from the Anabaptists
One can hardly approve of the violent language of a Luther or a Calvin, nor...condone the despicable persecution which such Reformed vociferations precipitated
Yeah, in another thread I quoted from the preface of Beza and Calvin's Bible de Genève (without revealing to Rippon the source). Rippon's assessment? "Those are very harsh words, not irenic in the least."
Yes, Jesus was really "Hot" towards the Pharisees!Warm? He called them a bunch of snakes!
Matt 23:33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
I disagree with Dr Mac on his Lordship views, and end times, but other than those items, he has excellent theology, especially in regards to salvation!I am a long time supporter of the Bible Broadcasting Network, founded by the late Lowell Davey, who would later rebuke and take the John MacArthur program off the air....
"In December 1989, the Bible Broadcasting Network terminated MacArthur's Grace to You program. In explaining that step, BBN president Lowell Davey referred to MacArthur's teachings on the blood of Christ, and "Lordship Salvation." Davey called these teachings "confusing." In a letter dated January 15, 1990, Davey cited a, "....drift by Dr. MacArthur to a theological position that we could not adhere to," and said that MacArthur's sermon series on the theology of election "....convinced us that the direction of 'Grace to You' was toward Hyper-Calvinism...." - John F. MacArthur - Wikipedia
Good for Lowell Davey, which also helps motivate me in keeping the on the air.
In the statement, titled "Action on the Legacy of Lutheran Persecution of Anabaptists," the assembly repented for violent persecution of Anabaptists and for the ways in which Lutheran reformers supported persecutions with theological arguments.
The statement asks for forgiveness "from God and from our Mennonite sisters and brothers" for past wrongdoings and the ways in which Lutherans subsequently forgot or ignored this persecution and have continued to describe Anabaptists in misleading and damaging ways. - Lutherans Seek Forgiveness for Persecution of Anabaptists
To define the Anabaptist....
"Anabaptists are Christians who believe that baptism is valid only when the candidate confesses his or her faith in Christ and wants to be baptized." - Anabaptism - Wikipedia
" I have never taught Anabaptism.... But the right baptism of Christ, which is preceded by teaching and oral confession of faith, I teach, and say that infant baptism is a robbery of the right baptism of Christ." — Hubmaier, Balthasar (1526), Short apology
Anabaptists were heavily and long persecuted starting in the 16th century by both Magisterial Protestants and Roman Catholics, largely because of their interpretation of scripture which put them at odds with official state church interpretations and with government.
The Lutherans have since did the right thing and apologized to the Anabaptist for the persecutions waged against them. You would never, due to the high level of Calvinistic ego, get an apology from them!
Lutherans reconcile with Mennonites 500 years after bloody persecution | Culture| Arts, music and lifestyle reporting from Germany | DW | 26.07.2010
Bishop Mark S. Hanson doing the right thing and apologizing to the Anabaptist, again, something a Calvinist would never do. If I would ever meet the Bishop Mark S. Hanson would tell him that was a very decent thing to do and I take my hat off to him!
Metro Lutheran | Lutheran church builds bridges, works toward healing with Mennonite neighbors
Calvin was not aware of the diversity within the Anabaptists. He was dealing with the worst examples.And John Calvin describing the Anabaptist in misleading and damaging ways. Here is a list of the name calling....
Do you read what you post? 'but in the perfection of Christ, excommunication is the utmost pain, and not corporal death.19. Recommends death, "We agree that the temporal sword is an ordinance of God, besides the perfection of Christ. So the princes & superiours of the world are ordained to punish the wicked, & to put them to death. But in the perfection of Christ, excommunication is the utmost pain, and not corporal death."
You revel in hyperbole.I say, there was no more villain alive worse than John Calvin!
Calvin was the milder of the two. Luther has been described variously as a raging volcano or as a bull in a China shop. Calvin though impatient and curt at times was a rather gentle man considering.I believe both Martin Luther and John Calvin started out with good intentions, but really got cold and hateful in their writings as they would age. The both of them would also suffer health problems
Stay away from crazy websites.and did not at all die in peace.
I believe both Martin Luther and John Calvin started out with good intentions, but really got cold and hateful in their writings as they would age. The both of them would also suffer health problems and did not at all die in peace.
I believe both Martin Luther and John Calvin started out with good intentions, but really got cold and hateful in their writings as they would age. The both of them would also suffer health problems and did not at all die in peace.