You're more than welcome. It's an interesting series of articles.
Just finished reading the Erickson one and I have some thoughts. First is that Zane Hodges view (Free Grace) has some major issues. He seems to take scripture out of context and completely misses what Jesus himself said in Luke 13:5. By his logic and by his own words he has said that all one needs to do is say a prayer, and then they may have no fruit an still make it to heaven. If they want to "inherit heaven" and gain more rewards then they will have fruit. This is a false view as it means that many Buddhists, Muslims, Mormons, homosexuals, and evil people will be in Heaven because many have said the prayer but did not mean one word of it. Refer to the bottom of page 12 right hand side "A person may be born again yet live in ways that are little if at all different from the unbelievers they constitute his society." Faith and Discipleship go hand in hand and Hodges is wrong for communicating otherwise. You know there are many gospel tracts these days that teach "cheap grace" and I have passed out many. However even though their theology is not 100% accurate I believe God will call His true elect to salvation.
Erickson is a scholar but by his statement on page 15 "some may never take the first step" indicates that he does not believe that God calls the converts to salvation but may b teaching a more Arminian view which bases its success on "results" rather than Biblical obedience. WinMan and many Arminian think alike and frown upon more Biblical methods of evangelism that calls sinners to repentance because of the lack of results.
Overall a great article however I lean more towards MacArthur's side. On another note the article prompted a question. On page 11 Erickson says that MacArthur says the sermon on the Mount is not law but gospel and that many Dispensationalists think otherwise and refer to it as law. Thats a new one to me. What does he mean? I thought that David Jeremiah, and Erwin Lutzer also believed the sermon on the mount to be the way of salvation.
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