This simply restates 1 Peter 1:3-5.
We are to examine ourselves at communion to see if we are of the faith, thus we are looking for evidence of a changed life. If our heart, our knowledge of our inner thoughts, attitudes, and attributes, does not condemn us, i.e. telling us we are a hypocrite or phony lip service Christian, then we can engage in communion in a worthy manner.
Easy Believeism, which claims a person is saved if they profess Christ, leaving out God who knows our hearts, must accept our wretched faith, and He when He does not, He does not cause the person to be spiritually born again and indwelt with the Holy Spirit. These, are the ones who will hear Jesus say, "I never knew you."
OTOH, it is fair to say striving to follow Christ is evidence of a changed life. We know we sin and fall short if we examine ourselves, and thus must pick up our cross and strive each day to avoid sin and demonstrate our love of Christ and all those he died for, which according to Arminianism includes everybody.