I will say that Dispensationalist as a whole are big on what the Bible says and I can appreciate that. They do have have a high view of Scripture which I think we could all do well to emulate. That is something I will always carry with me from my Dispensationalist days.
Absolutely, true.
From my own dealing with folks, I personally can state that with most scholars, those who have dispensational thinking (though they may not be "Darby dispensationalists"), desire to be shown by Scriptures the error of a teaching, and not what some "authority" says.
Imo, those on the BB that have a dispensational background (whether such a system is still held or not) have that same attitude. They (We) hold the Scriptures as not only the final authority but the vital authority.
That is exactly my own experience.Now for me the big thing that changed my frame was Rom. 9-11, as I could not be faithful to the Word and faithful to the frame I was taught at the same time, so the Word won.
I could not reconcile the church as a separate "parenthesis" in God's plan.
Perusing back through history, there is no doubt that the dispensational teaching (NOT that of Darby style) has been like a thread in which (imo) is more often was used (as I do) to outline various social / economic trends in Scriptures and also the way God "talked" to humankind. And each scholar used and modified such a scheme to their own needs.
Dispensation thinking and teaching can be found in any of the eschatology points of view.
On this thread, the statements of Ice and Ryrie indicate that dispensationalism viewed as a doctrine is "fathered" by Darby.
That can be conceded IF and ONLY IF that excludes ALL other forms outside of "Darby Dispensation."
He DID NOT "father" historic premillennialism, post millennialism, nor a millennialism. He (imo) took what he knew from premillennial teaching and produced a chart with some extras. He needed a catchy name and used "dispensation."
That way, all those who were already using dispensation could look at a chart as a comparative to their own scheme(s).
What my argument has always been (and I think that of some other posters) is that "Darby dispensation" isn't the ONLY of dispensational thinking nor should it be taught as the only.
It is THAT message that is missing and the overreaching bias of some who have posted on the BB. Some on the BB just can't seem to get past the hurdle that one can claim to be a dispensationalist and not be associated with anything Darby or not even know of the man's writing.
On a side:
For those who want a very good chart on the four major views of eschatology, try this from "Five Solas."
Within the body of the chart, one can get a good understanding of the prominent folks who speak from that perspective.
Keep in mind that there are those of us that don't "fit" in the chart. We are dispensational and covenant. We take the Scriptures as literally as possible, and find it difficult to get along with anyone who would place them in the light of make believe.