True lifestyle evangelism involves investing in the lives of unchurched people and both living and speaking the truth of Jesus.
I don't do that tract thing because I have found it to be shockingly ineffective. Moreover, too many people have misused tracts or have passed out bad one (Jack Chick's come to mind) and there is a bias against them.
As someone who lives lifestyle evangelism, I have had Spirit-empowered talks with many people simply by being a good listener, investing in other people, and being bold enough to speak when there is an opportunity. Just last week I had an opportunity to share my testimony with an agnostic over dinner and he was quite intrigued. I am following up with him this weekend.
When you make yourself available to God - and not try to force your own agenda - God puts you in touch with people He wants to touch. Oh, it also happened last weekend with a young woman who has been out of church for a while and is disillusioned after her church and leadership collapsed in a fit of ungodly hubris. She ended up attending church last Sunday with my wife and me, and seemed to find her way again.
And I'm not anyone special or following any kind of method described in a book. I'm just available and ready.
Chick tracts go out in the thousands weekly from them. Why is it ineffective? How do you know worldwide people do not read them or they are not effective?