This is decidedly not the point. Jesus tells the man to do something and thereby get eternal life. We simply do not know the ultimate stance of that fellow. But that is hardly a warrant to assume that the man was not capable of entering into faith, receiving the Spirit, and thereby empowered to do obtain life.
The ultimate stance of this person has nothing to do with what Jesus told him to do for eternal life so why speculate what you don't know????
My interpretation is based exactly upon what is said, not what is guessed at or what you speculate may be the ultimate end of this fellow.
You simply don't get it. This man's question is not complicated, he simply asks what can he "DO" to inherit eternal life. This man is not a believer in Jesus as the Christ and after Christ answered his question here is his response:
But he,
willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour? - Lk. 10:29
It is obvious from your comments that you do not understand why Christ answered him by directing him to the law just as he did the rich young ruler, who also went away in defiance. To help you understand, ask yourself why he didn't respond to this Jew in the words he spoke to Nicodemus in John 3:3-16????? Isn't this the way you would respond by pointing him to believe in Jesus for eternal life? That is what Jesus did to Nicodemus! He called on him to believe in the Son of God for eternal life (Jn. 3:16)!!!
I don't think you are capable of understanding why he didn't respond to this scribe like he did to Nicodemus or why he didn't respond to the rich young ruler as he did nicodemus! Both this scribe and the rich young ruler asked the very same direct question about what they must "do" to inherit eternal life and yet Christ never mentions believing in Him as he did to Nicodemus (Jn. 3:16)!
I don't think you understand why Jesus bluntly told the rich young ruler that there is "NONE GOOD BUT ONE" and that was God alone. Why would he respond that way when the rich young ruler called Jesus a "good" master and requested what "good" thing he could do! He already believed in God.
So Christ does not direct either to believe in him for eternal life as he did Nicodemus and when asked what "good" thing can be done He tells the ruler there is "NONE GOOD BUT ONE."
However, he continues to point them to the law. He points the rich ruler to the law and asks the very same question he asks the scribe. Why the Law? Why the law insted of himself?
I will tell you why because both assumed they could keep the law and that they had kept it sufficiently "good" enough. Isn't that why the first response of Christ to the same question to the ruler is THERE IS NONE GOOD but one and that is God???
Jesus went on to the law and asked the lawyer what he believed was demanded by the Law!
Lk. 10:26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?
Just like you, they fundementally were ignorant of what is required to fuflill the law by works.
You are either a liar or more likely deceived and ignorant if you say you love your wife with ALL of your heart, mind, strength and soul. Like this scribe and that ruler you may THINK you do, but unfortunately you are as deceived as they are. There is no such human (apart from Christ) that has ever loved God and man with all their being, whether lost or saved.
Jesus directly told the unbelieving ruler, who also left unbelieving and in disobedience to Christ's instructions that what he THOUGHT he could do as "good" Jesus denied any human could do "good" enough for eternal life:
Mt. 19:16,17
Good Master, what
good thing
shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is
none good but one, that is, God:
but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
There is none good because the Law of God defines "good" to be as "good" as God and that is precisely why Jesus says "THERE IS NONE GOOD but ONE and that is God." That is why Jesus tells His disciples that the righteousness necessary to enter heaven is ABOVE what they see in the lives of the Scribes and Pharises which is a result of interpreting the law of God according to a lower standard of righteousness (Mt. 5:21-45). Jesus corrects this lower standard in Matthew 5:21-45 and then defines what that higher level introduced in Matthew 5:20 is in Matthew 5:46. The definition is the same as Jesus said to the rich young ruler - THERE IS NONE GOOD BUT ONE and that IS GOD - "be ye therefore perfect EVEN AS your father in heaven IS PERFECT."
This is why all have "COME SHORT" of the glory of God's standard of righteousness. This is why NONE are justified by doing the works of the law. This is why to fail in one point of the law is to fail in all points.
This is why Jesus directed both the scribe and ruler to the Law as the law is designed by God to reveal sin and bring that person to the same conclusion that Jesus told the Ruler in advance "THERE IS NONE GOOD BUT ONE AND THAT IS GOD."
That is why Jesus did not answer either by saying repent of your sins and believe in me for eternal life because JUST LIKE YOU they interpreted the demands of the law LESS THAN GOOD AS GOD.
You are spiritually blind and most likely lost and your doctrinal fruits manifest it quite clearly and you will stay that way until the Holy Spirit makes you see that God's definition of good is to be as good as God and therefore perfect "EVEN AS" God is perfect. God has never sinned once in his past, not one sin in the present and never will in the future. That is the righteousness of God, that is the righteous standard defined by the law of God which is the standard of God's righteousness.
However, just like the scribe, just like Rich young ruler and just like the Jews being described in Romans 2:17-29 you FALSELY IMAGINE you will be able to stand before God one day and be justified by keeping the law of God. The ruler believed in God. The scribe believed in God. However, both did not believe they could be justified before God without keeping the law. All those who believe this will be judged by the law but not by their IMAGINARY standard they attach to the Law of God but according to the standard that says THERE IS NONE GOOD BUT ONE and that is God.
This is why you need IMPUTED rightousness for justification which comes only by faith "WITHOUT WORKS." This comes by faith in Christ and his righteous life which is as GOOD as God.