Dr. Walter
New Member
In the bible, word many times refers to 'a proclaimed, oral teaching of prophets or apostles'. When a prophet spoke it was the word of God even though their speakings written down later as scripture. An example: "For twenty-three years . . . the word of the Lord has come to me and I have spoken to you again and again . . . ‘But you did not listen to me,’ declares the Lord. . . . Therefore the Lord Almighty says this: ‘Because you have not listened to my words. . . .’" (Jer. 25:3, 7-8 [NIV]).
Isaian 8:14-20 is not speaking of an isolated Old Testament statement by Isaiah. It is set in a clear and undeniable Messanic context. It is referring prophetically to the completion of Biblical revelation and canonization of God's revelation "Bind up....and seal AMONG MY DISCPLES." It is directly applied to the apostles in Hebrews 2. There sufficient and abudant New Testament evidence they understood this prophecy, knew they were fulfilling it and claimed so by using the very word that climaxes the "testimony" of Christ for which the Apostles were appointed to confirm through their words to future believers.
Your argument is not merely weak but absolutely empty of common sense when the context and application are reasonably examined and considered in light of more than sufficient evidence.