Probably because they are less concerned about the good of the country and what is right than they are about frustrating people that they consider their enemies.It just seems like Trump supporters defend everything he does because the left's constant attacks on Trump fail each and every time, wonder why that is so?
It’s irrational, like much of what passes for political insight around here.
You, the President, and many of the Fox News talking heads don’t seem to know the definition of political correctness:"Mr. Trump". "Ms. Clinton" . . . it was you. "Mrs. Warren", how politically correct.
The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated PC) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society.
The President, Secretary Clinton, and Senator Warren are not disadvantaged members of society.
The reason why I use more formal titles is simple: (1) I don’t hate any of those people, despite some dishonest people around here constantly making that accusation; (2) I pray for these people (and many more in our government), so I do honor them as persons made in God’s image; (3) I want to set a good example of respect for our political leaders since that is my Christian responsibility (see Romans 13:1-7, especially v.6-7); (4) I often get accused by Trump enablers that I am disrespectful to President Trump, and I don’t want those liars to have any leverage when I challenge them on it.
Impeachment is quite likely to happen but removal is less likely. Much of that will depend upon what comes out over the next few weeks.Impeachment and removal will NEVER happen...
Remember, I had this opinion in Fall 2016. I did not realize that the Republican Party would throw away all of their cherished ideals and their alleged commitment to rule of law just to enable Trump.
Something you need to consider is that Baptistboard has become and echo chamber for Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists. You all are very poor predictors if the outcome of elections and other political activity. Remember all of the reassurance you all gave each other than the Republicans were not going to lose the House in the 2018 election? I called that one months ahead of time.
I’m not sure why that is supposed to impress me. There’s always money around for politicians, especially when they represent the interests of wealthy people and corporations....and the RNC have raised twelve million dollars in just a few days.
I suspect you don’t realize that the Republican base is shrinking. I’m a third-generation Republican (representing about 110 years in my family), and I no longer consider myself a Republican because of the rise of Trump. And I know a lot of people here in Fort Worth who no longer consider themselves to be Republican — and this is traditionally a Republican stronghold.Trump is NOT unpopular with the GOP base and he's going nowhere.
Maybe, but I wouldn’t count on it.He will also win a second term...
I am not a fan of either one of them — and neither one has been selected to be the Democratic candidate — but I think a potato in a paper sack could beat Trump in October 2020, if Trump is still in office.”Mr. Biden" and "Mrs. Warren": can't cut it.
So what? Criminals always start out ahead of law enforcement. That is changing now.Try try try again, Trump is always several steps ahead of them.
You shouldn’t make fun of the President’s weight.Pelosi is the one in the painted corner. But a neverTrumper will never believe that, Trump is the great white whale and they are Captain Ahab.