One Persons Nonsense is another persons....
A lot of nonsense occurs in some churches under the guise of "worship".
....priceless moment! I did not gather from HAMel that this was confusion! It seemed to be a moment of revival and healing!
I honestly believe that a great many folks will have a certain amount of spiritual shock to deal with when they get to heaven. I seriously doubt if heaven is all neatly wrapped and organized as so many believers have it down here!
In fact, if more churches left themselves open to the movement of the Holy Ghost such as in HAMel's church last may witness a greater manifestation of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost and come away from your Sunday fellowship gathering, with a deeper fellowship with God that would go a long way in enhancing your fellowship with your fellow man, and then there'd be less squabbling, backstabbing, and division within the church!
I've been in a lot of services where the sermon, weekly announcements and offering were dumped in favor of an unexpected visit from the Holy Ghost.
When the environment is right, man can do one of two things,
1) He can say, to heck with the movement of the Spirit [something I call, squashing the spirit]and forge ahead with the planned and scripted service on that day....or,
2) He can yield himself to the moving of God's presence and let an exciting experience take place. One that will enhance, uplift, and draw the congregation closer to Him and each other through being spiritually spontaneous!
Of course, just like your comment was you opinion, this comment is MHO! :type: