Except that the penalty due for committing sin will be death, both physically and then spiritually, so God cannot just excuse that offense against Him away, someone MUST pay that debt!That is a poor analogy. It deals only with a sentence and not the nature. Was the crime stealing food? Was it an injury? A financial debt? An insult?
The reason it matters is it depends on the type of justice involved.
If you owe $100, are judged to pay today but do not have the money then I can pay for you (the debt is paid and justice satisfied).
But if you killed my father and are released because another has volunteered to serve the sentence then justice is not served and the judge is evil (has committed an abomnition to God).
If the crime was disobeying the judge, the judge does not suffer loss or harm, and I repent and obey then my crime can justly be forgiven based on reform without penalty.