Well Jordon, No one here that I know thinks that it is. No one should ever conflate the two. However, Christians can make a difference by participating in the shaping of their government, which is what the debates are about on this board. There really should not be such a thing as a Christian democrat in 2016 for any party that embraces the murder of innocent children should be flatly rejected. The democratic party today is not the same as the 1960s and should disqualified as Christian for supporting such abomination.
Yes let's just all be Republicans and hate our neighbors while advocating the murder of adults.
Now as far as "things will only continue to get worse", yes it will for that is what the scriptures declare and politics will not change that. We as Christians fight for righteousness because that is what we are called to do until the rapture comes.
Pure foolishness. You're not fighting for righteousness by supporting a man who is unrighteous and against Christ with every word that comes out of his mouth. Yall are fighting to "make America white again".
You're fighting for the life of a political party .
Not everybody is stupid. We hear the dog whistle. Just ask the supremacists flocking to DT.
It really is sad how any CHristian could support either of the last two GOP Presidential nominees
This is why I speak up for those in the womb whom cannot speak for themselves. I will not dismiss the horror of abortion under the guise of a women's choice. Can you imagine Jesus counseling a young pregnant girl, maybe due to being raped by a stranger or even one of her own family, and telling her she could just kill the baby before it gets born?? We Christians represent Jesus Christ and either we do that godly or ungodly towards our own judgment to come.
A lot of folks in Christendom as a whole need to stop this farce of being pro-life. This hypocrisy is perhaps the cause of abortion because folks are constantly listening to some of you talking about the horrors of abortion out one side of your necks while advocating capital punishment and the taking of another life out the other side of your necks.
That blatant hypocrisy places the onus of 50 million abortions right back in the laps of hypocritical CHristians.
This Christian hypocrisy tells folks getting an abortion everyday that life must not mean what some of you try to pretend it means to ya. And if Christians can advocate taking a life, then by golly they shouldn't have anything to say about abortion.