Justification before they believed !
The Justification of the Elect before they believed is Taught in
Rom 4:25
was delivered for our offences, and
was raised again for our justification.
Here all the elect or the church were Justified in their Head and Representative, when He rose from the dead after being delivered for their offences!
The YLT: who was delivered up
because of our offences, and was raised up
because of our being declared righteous.
Christ resurrection from the dead was a testification or gives testimony that all for whom He died have been legally aquitted or discharged from all their sins. It was more than just an acquittal of Christ, because He was not delivered for His own offences, but the offences of others.
For Christ was their Surety, made so from Eternity in the Everlasting Covenant when He had their sins laid to His charge [imputation], by which He became legally liable by the Justice of God, and in due time, He gave Himself as an Offering for their sins, and when He arose from the dead, not as an private person, for He did not die as a private person for his own transgressions, but for the sins of the Many. So when He rose Justified and acquitted, then those for whom He died were also acquitted and Justified. For if He was delivered for their sins, then He was raised for their Justification, therefore all for whom Christ died and rose for , are Justified, even if they have not yet been born sinners, for God knows whose sins He bare , because it was for all those the Father hath given Him
Jn 17:2. To deny this, one may as well deny Christ's resurrection from the dead. All this was accomplished [their Justification] before they believed a thing !