Free Justification sermon by
Mike McInnis
The word “free” is simple enough to understand but seldom illustrated in this world and certainly not in any case when a price is attached to it such as we see in marketing ploys such as “buy one get one free.” Sadly the modern concept of “gospel preaching” which makes salvation a “free offer”, yet requires men to “pay” for it by exercising “faith” by the power of their own free will is as completely deceptive, as any of these marketing campaigns which use the word “free” If something is truly free then no price at all is ever expected or demanded. The justification which is procured by JESUS CHRIST in HIS death on Calvary’s cross is indeed “free” for those for whom it was purchased. Nothing at all is required of them to possess it. It is given “without money, and without price” to those whom the LORD has justified with HIS blood. There are no ifs, ands, or buts which are associated with the “free grace” of GOD which is manifested in the gift of faith, to those who are made thirsty by the work of HIS SPIRIT. Even the desire of the righteous is freely given to them as the SPIRIT works in them both to will and to do of HIS good pleasure. Faith is not an activity of the flesh of men, which GOD recognizes and then upon that basis, bestows justification upon those who thus believe. Rather the gift of faith which causes men to believe and call upon the LORD is simply the manifestation of the work of GOD in those whom HE has predestined to believe as we read in Acts 13:48 “And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. The work of “justification” is a work which is completely performed by JESUS CHRIST. HE has purchased that “justification” by the shedding of HIS blood as the SUSTITUTE of those people which HE has loved with an everlasting love. The scripture simply says. “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Rom 3:24) When the LORD says something is “free” then nothing needs to be, nor can be added to it. The natural man believes that he can, and therefore must, bring some sort of activity of his flesh before the LORD even as Cain brought his own offering unto the LORD. Thus by comparing himself with others, using what he considers to be “faith”, as the measure, he believes he can gauge his relative acceptance with GOD. Therefore it is no surprise that such men will fight against the preaching of “free grace”, and seek to overturn it by preaching a message which purports to be, “salvation by grace” but in reality is one which confuses “free” with some requirement which is to be added by men. Just like the buy one and get one free, offers, they tell us that if you will bring your faith to heaven’s marketplace then you can get “free justification” along with many other benefits. They call this “free grace” but in reality it is neither “free” nor “grace”. Grace by its very nature is free, and free cannot include any conditions or requirements. As Isaiah declared unto those who are “thirsty”, “come without money or price”, and “buy” (i.e.obtain) wine and milk”, so too does our LORD declare, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”.. The preaching of the gospel is not an “offer” with conditions attached to it, which if a man fulfill he can reap its benefits. The true preaching of the gospel is, rather, the declaration of what JESUS CHRIST has completely performed in procuring the eternal redemption of unworthy sinners. The pouring out of the blood of CHRIST has completely satisfied the claims of the justice demanded by the broken law. If that “payment” is made in full then there can remain nothing left undone for those who are its benefactors. This is “free justification”, and is truly a delightful message for those who feel their own just condemnation according to the present work of the HOLY GHOST in them. Now if CHRIST has already “obtained” this redemption for HIS people, it is clearly theirs. They could not possibly do anything to gain that which HE has already purchased. Thus we are sure that it is therefore freely given without price of any kind.
This sermon points out excellently the slick deception of conditional Justification ! 4