I include here quotes from the Pastor of New Covenant Fellowship of New
Orleans, Pastor Bill Shanks.
> "New Orleans now is abortion free. New Orleans now is Mardi Gras free. New
> Orleans now is free of Southern Decadence and the sodomites, the
> witchcraft workers, false religion -- it's free of all of those things
> now. God simply, I believe, in His mercy purged all of that stuff out of
> there -- and now we're going to start over again."
> --Bill Shanks, pastor of New Covenant Fellowship of New Orleans.
> Note: Pastor Shanks has hosted Operation Rescue events in New Orleans and
> picketed frequently at the Causeway abortion clinic, the largest in the
> state. He heeded warnings to evacuate and is currently staying with
> friends in the Jackson, Mississippi, area.
> Speaking against legalization of sodomite marriages before the Louisiana
> state legislature on May, 2004, he said the following:
> "One Category 5 hurricane coming up the river will take care of all
> sodomite marriages. I believe this will open the floodgate for God to
> bring judgment on our land."
> advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=12303&sd=05/05/04 (Google cache).
Just as Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were carried off into
captivity because of the judgment upon their nation, there are righteous
people who are suffering, but this does not negate the fact that God judges
nations for the very things that New Orleans celebrates.
I weep in my heart for New Orleans, as Jeremiah the weeping prophet weeped
for Israel - but Israel still had it coming, and Jeremiah didn't blush to
say it. He wished and prayed for mercy as I do, but wasn't apologetic at
pronouncing the wrath of God upon the nation and cities of Israel for their
child-killing, their idolatry, their witchcraft, their sexual immorality,
their impenitence and pride.
Remember the message of Jeremiah, Isaiah, Elijah, Joel? Didn't they warn of
judgment over and over again, and when judgment came, didn't they warn them
to turn from their sins and so acquire mercy? Are the oracles of God so few
in our nation that when someone says what Jeremiah, Isaiah, Elijah, or Joel
would have said about New Orleans, you lash out in anger? The church of
Christ is so asleep in her pews, that they'll mock the words of God
foretelling of judgment today, just as the religious folk mocked back them
and tasted the fiercest of God's temporal wrath.
Some of you have said that no one deserves the judgment of death,
starvation, infection, beatings, robbery, that has afflicted the people of New
Orleans particularly, and the region in general? Dear friend, we
must flush the "God's gonna bless everybody no matter what" Americanized Gospel and read
the Bible: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, but every nation
that forgets God will be turned into hell. We must fear the Lord, friend.
He is longsuffering, but we have mistaken his longsuffering for complacency,
and He will not always strive with the United States. There is the curse of
innocent blood on us, and unless we repent, the judgments upon America's
cities will continue. Let us preach it from the rooftops:
America's got it coming, and only repentance and faith will win God's favor
and mercy on our land and our people once again. God's looking for John the
Baptists to warn others to flee from the wrath to come: will you be one?
In the fear of the Lord,
Patrick Johnston