The declaration of Israel as nation in 1948. That was from Zionism Movement at the conference at United of Nation Headquarter in New York City.
God does not draw Jews from other countries, return to their homeland. God allows Jews return to 'Israel'. God allows Satan to pulling Jews coming to 'Israel' for the purpose coming bloodshed -another Holocaust. Satan and nations really hate Jews so much, they want to killed them so many as they can.
I love Jews, I respect them so well. I am amill, I am NOT an anti-semetic. I feel sorry for Jews are suffering under Arabs and Palestinians about giving up their part of lands to them. Actually, Arabs hate Jews so much. Nothing new to us for many generations. There is always conflict between them since Jacob and Ishamel in Genesis.
I am sure that Grasshopper and OldRegular both might not agree with me. I believe the events in Middle East are draw them ahead toward Armageddon as in Ezekiel chapter 38,39 foretelling. Also, in Matthew 24:15-21; and Luke 21:20-24 foretelling there shall be a great tribulation against Jews and Christians who are dwelling in Judea('Israel') in the final generation. Luke 21:20 foretells there shall be the sign of Armageddon is coming.
Rev. 9:14-21 & 16:12-16 foretelling, Euphrate River shall be dried up, allow 200 million army from far east(Asia?) march across it prepare for Armageddon.
I am seeing these signs around Middle East are happening right now.
I do not always agree with you everything what you saying about America and Israel.
Understand, we are Spiritual Israel. Church is Israel, Israel is Church. I am not Replacement Thoelogy. Church does not replaced Israel.
The kingdom of God is just expansion, God just added Gentiles unto the tree join with Jews together of Romans chapter 11.
There is not a single verse find anywhere in the New Testament saying that, there will be nation again in the last days, neither, a verse saying that old(modern) Jerusalem shall be world's capitol of the world during millennial kingdom. Neither a verse in N.T. saying that Jews shall possess their land again in the last day.
Romans chapter 11 say nothing about physical nation. It talking about spiritual tree as individuals either Jew or Gentile whosoever beliveth in Jesus Christ, both are on the same boat(tree).
I hear often that premills saying God is blessing America for helping Israel, when America stopped help or support Israel, God will punish America. That is nosense.
Genesis 12:3 is not talking to Jews as nation(Israel), it apply to us as believers, God bless nations who helping or support you, God will punish them who persecute or against you. This verse have do nothing with future millennial kingdom and physical nation or land.
I believe Hurrican Katrina hits New Orleans is act come from God, because of our sins and wicked. God is not please with people and Christians in America include New Orleans, God have to discipline America by send storm to punish them. Also, I believe this event might be the sign of God's wrath is coming at the corner. The purpose is urge us to be awaking of our spiritual need for revival and repentance of our sins, because the end is very near.
In Christ
Rev. 22:20 -Amen!