For those who are interested, here are a few tiny little details Jon chose to leave out of his recollection of our conversation:
JonC said:
If one has convictions that prohibit carrying out what a job requires, then one has convictions enough to quit,
Here, we see the reference to the hypothetical situation he insists he never brought up.
That's much better than "I won't do the job but pay me anyway."
Here, we see the first time he attributes an argument to me that I never made.
JonC said:
Take a stand all the way (instead of relying on some sense of entitlement).
Once again, attributing an argument to me that I never made.
JonC said:
I am saying that if you do not do your job but still demand money for performing that job then you are not only a thief but also an idiot.
Not only dishonestly attributing an argument to me that I never made, but also the first example of his name calling.
You are the one stating that Christians should take jobs and not do the work as some kind of fight for political rightness.
Dishonestly attributing statements to me that I never made. I challenged him to quote where I said anything like this. He could not.
JonC said:
We disagree on how a Christian should handle themselves when placed in situations where they cannot perform the duties associated with their employment. As hard as I try, I cannot understand how collecting a pay check for work one refuses to do can be anything but theft and a “black eye” towards the Christian faith. We simply disagree.
Yet again, dishonestly attributing an argument to me that I never made, even after I explained to him several times that I never said any such thing.
JonC said:
Do you really have your head that far in the sand?
Ad hom.
This is the problem with people like you - it's always hypothetical. When faced with real life situations you take the defense of "I was speaking hypothetically"!!! What a cowardly and foolish path you take
Notice that he calls me "cowardly and foolish" for responding to
his hypothetical premise.
Ad hom.
JonC said:
Maybe you should see if someone will make a "let's play pretend" forum for you to express your hypothetical opinions.
Again, here he is insulting me for responding to his hypothetical premise.