Repentance is not just saying something. It is doing something. Graham has not changed his ways. He has not repudiated his past actions of disobedience. Why is this continuing to be an issue when Scripture speaks so clearly to it?Graham HAS repented, he HAS said, "I was wrong," he HAS said, "When I was younger, I was unsure, now I am certain. I have recommitted my life to the true message of Christ. I have recommitted my life to clarifying that Jesus is the only way."
I am very forgiving. I love God and man enough to tell the truth. I have yet to bash anyone. There is no need to. We simply need to live in obedience to Scripture.By refusing to acknowledge that, even though it has been stated, over and over, and over again in these threads, you are not forgiving, you are not loving, you are just bashing.