That makes no sense. If the KJV is a bible you endorse, then why would you ALSO endorse other versions that have 1,000's of word changes (I am not referring to archaic words either) and omissions, and which came from different texts than the KJV?
Its interesting that you call the KJV "lovely." It is much more than that. Its the very Word of God which we should live by. You say it should not be the be-all- to-end-all translations, and yet which version/bible is? Can you even answer that? Do you really believe God had wanted all these different versions of His Holy Word? Either we accept ONE Bible as true or we accept them all even though they differ one from another, not just in words but in meaning and doctrine. We have bibles that omit Jesus' name in some verses or even demote him. How about gender neutral bibles. Where do we draw the line?
King James gave assent that a translation be made of the whole Bible," as consonant as can be to the original Hebrew and Greek; and this to be set out and printed without any marginal notes, and only to be used in all churches." This is what it should be. ONE HOLY BIBLE for God's people because there is only ONE word of God which He promised to preserve. All these mass produced, money-making bibles show that they don't believe God kept His promise or failed to somehow and that He needs man's help in "improving" His Word! Where and when does it end? If there's nothing wrong with the KJV except for its archaic language then why not just update only those words and leave the rest alone? Why do we need a zillion different versions in English and all the churches are using different versions that a stranger cannot walk in and know if the Bible he brought with him is the one that pastor and churches uses!
If we had remained true to ONE Holy Scriptures,, there would be none of this squabbling about bible versions and all the dissensions it has caused.
If we had remained true to the ONE Holy Scriptures, we would all be studying Greek and Hebrew instead of arguing about English versions.
As Deacon suggested, you would benefit from reading the 'Preface to the Reader' from the 1611 version of the KJV. No one reading it with an honest and open mind would conclude that the very men who translated the KJV would have any agreement with those who put them and their work upon a throne today.
Here is a link to the Preface: