Now, consider how it sounds for a KJVO missionary to evangelize cross-culturally, win someone to Christ, and then tell them that the KJV is the only perfect Bible translation. My immediate thought would be, "Why can't I have a perfect Bible in my language??" And the KJVO missionary has no answer. I know, since I have asked that many times here--did a thread on it once. KJVO theology has no answer.
Almost o KJVO author has tried to produce a theology of the movement. The books are usually polemical, not theological. Steve Combs of the aforementioned Bearing Precious Seed Global has a book out, A Practical Theology of Bible Translating (2019). I commend his effort and his ministry. He serves as a translation consultant.
However, his book does not tell me how to get a perfect translation in Japanese. Here is the closest he comes: "If the KJB is an accurate translation (and it is), then by definition it is without error. However, it is not the inerrant Word of God by inspiration. It is the inerrant Word of God by providentially guided translation of words that were given by inspiration and then preserved" (p. 35, all italics his). Aha! We reach inerrancy by translating accurately. This is the Verbal Plenary Preservation (VPP) doctrine of H. D. Williams.
So how does VPP occur? In other words, how can I make it happen in Japanese? He says, "I find nothing in Scripture to back up the idea that God combined the Old and New Testaments into only one language, English, and that all other Bibles in other languages cannot be perfect. I find nothing in history to back it up..." (p. 60, his emphasis). Now we're talking...aren't we?
Alas, he never gets around to telling me how that works. But he is travelling down the right road. Near as I can tell, his way to get to a perfect translation is just to translate literally and accurately. However, he believes that God's providence is miraculous (p. 42). Biblically speaking, miracles are always events, while providence is a process. He doesn't continue the logic of providence by telling me how to get a miracle that will produce a perfect Japanese Bible--and that's what a perfect Bible has to be, a miracle.