I agree, and perssonally see no reason to chase this over-worked rabbit whichs avoids the premise at hand began by the OP's claim of the "need" to "reclaim" his interpretaion of this particular passage (Rev 3;20).
This whole tread had been derailed from
who is the audience being addressed in Rev 3:20 to the ole worn out smokescreen tactic of foreknowledge must = pre-determinism argument and proof-texting given to support a boxed systematic theory of determism; after all it is a vital necessity for the doctrines of Calvinism to hold true from T to P.
Hank D’s direct argument as to the audience was ignored except for the statement:
Originally posted by OR: “The passage has reference only to the local Church, not the individual sinner.”
My reply to the practicality of that statement was also ignored:
Originally posted by Benjamin: “The passage is either using universal language that presents that the scope of grace is an offer applicable to non-believers and meanwhile giving a good example which represents the view of prevenient grace
or if it is only addressing pre-elected believers “in” the church and then the Calvinist now have a BIG problem with their view of eternal security because immediately prior Jesus spoke of spitting these same people out of His mouth.”
BTW; I find OR’s argument that the passage was “only in reference to the local church” amazing in that it is in disregard of why Jesus would have to call people in one of his "churches" to be saved?!
OR then responds by questioniing Hank D’s understanding and begs the question with the ole smokescreen about the book the life, or again, foreknowledge must = pre-determination and the cloud has been formed.
Of course I figured the argument brought up by the OP pertaining to the intended audience of this passage would not be based on rational Biblical understand directly associated to that passage but resort to use alternative tactics because of necessity of avoiding these on topic arguments because they:
Originally posted by Benjamin: “…makes waste to the OP's efforts to force fit this message into the systematic theological box of being only for the specially preselected few.”
Meanwhile, the OP’er as well OR center on things like arguing that they only get their information from study of the scriptures and outright selectively reject any historical arguments from those other scholars that agree the audience was universal. And the OP’er after expressing the need to “reclaim the meaning of Rev 3;20” claims victory in the argument while rejecting rational arguments as to the audience because they not sensitive enough to refrain from offending him and also bows out from addressing the opinion of others directly related to the passage in question by claiming he gets his info from the Bible, not the thoughts of others as to the meaning of the passage in regards to the intended audience.
Where was I?!? Oh yeah, "I think you are super-imposing
your view of God's relationship to time..." Exactly! ...and good luck chasing that rabbit in a forum with the typical MO to deter the premise if they can't handle the argument. The process is backed up by...well... unlimited options to do so, because they are allowed to multiply in disreagrd of the of staying on topic like....well rabbits. :smilewinkgrin: