To get back on topic....
Left vs. Right, Farce?
Key to this is that "left" is left, and "right" is right. It is not.
Consider the position the party platform take on the issues and I cannot see how you can claim there is no difference.
Gay marriage
Stem cell research
The GOP doesn't really care about these issues. They only make these things an issue to get votes from people. "Party platform" is just a buzzword to get you to take sides in an illusionary war of ideals. Romney clearly doesn't care what he says, he flip-flops on everything just so you'll vote for him.
The income tax is illegal. It should be abolished. A graduated income tax is one of the "planks" of Communism.
The only way an income tax could be legal, is if it is a flat rate for everyone, but even then income is defined as profit. Income is not wages and labor.
Many Republicans support a national health care system of some type. It would only be a stone's throw away from making it completely government controlled. If Democrats got complete control of the system, like they did when the ACA passed in the first place, they could make it 100% government controlled via amendment/ratification.
As it stands now though, if government got out of the way of health care, prices would go down. Anyone could afford health insurance if they would allow companies to sell health insurance across state lines.
Romney supported the Brady Act. Plenty of "Republicans" support some form of government regulation of firearms, even though the constitution is clear that no regulation of firearms should exist.
The problem isn't government spending, it is how we get our money in the first place. Congress has pawned off its responsibility to a PRIVATE BANK that we know as the "Federal" Reserve bank system.
Section 8 of the US Constitution (Powers of Congress):
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
The "Fed" prints money out of nothing, and then "buys" government bonds that are also printed out of nothing. This exchange makes "Federal Reserve Notes" legal fiat money. They also do this with immediate debt attached to these notes, by "lending" to the US government with interest.
Why are we borrowing money from a private bank, at cost to us, when congress could print it themselves without the immediate debt attached to it? How do we expect to get out of debt, by continually borrowing money?
It doesn't matter how much we spend, it's all debt-induced fiat currency in the first place: It has no value!
Both sides are being played like fools on this one. The same people that support "energy and oil" externally, are the same ones working behind the scenes to stifle it simply to make money.
The United States has massive oil reserves, but they're not being used. Petroleum products could very well be a natural process that replenishes over time, rather than a one-time "fossil fuel" event that most believe it to be. They want to make you think it's a limited supply, so they can make money off of it. (Lots of disinformation on this topic, so be careful if you ever do a search on this one).
And big oil is subsidized, which is supported by Republicans! Not only are you paying at the pump, but in taxes! They're doubble-dipping the profits!
We don't need to be the world's police force. I'm sick and tired of this rhetoric being used as an arguement for big government, which Republicans advocate. If we cut back military spending, as it relates to foreign campaigns, then we could then use that money to turn this country around for the better.
Defense spending? Yeah I'm all for that, but we don't need to maintain hundreds bases overseas. Rome tried to do the same thing, look where that got them. We need to worry about ourselves. We could have a very, very powerful military force, and not have to use it every time a problem breaks out. Even if asked to help, some times we shouldn't for the simple fact that it is not our responsibility to ensure the safety of other people. I would even go so far as to say that, we should only help when refugees are in danger. We should open our arms to people, and help them escape, and if they don't want to... Well, sucks to be them. But why should anyone have to die for someone else's war?
Trying to save everyone in the world with the promise of a Republican-oriented government structure, even if they don't want it, hasn't worked. The United States is guilty of installing puppet governments in an attempt to project power overseas. It is getting us into troubble, and the world hates us for this reason.