Really? Would you care to back that up? (No, I'm just kidding. Of course you won't back it up.)
Yes, I will: on another thread, you called me a troll*, and on this page you likened my behaviour to posting dog logs through someone's mailbox. I've about had enough of this.
*If I'm a troll, how come I've managed to rack up >7000 posts? I can tell you the Mods are pretty hot on trolling here, so it's not as if I've slipped under their radar.
First of all, that doesn't explain why he's wrong. That just explains why you don't like what he said. There's a big difference.
OK, then: the three judgements are mutually contradictory, particularly the last two - you've got the immediate problem of unbelievers being in the 'righteous' 'nations' and believers being in the 'goat' 'nations'.
Second, I've never met a Bible believing Christian who didn't believe this Biblical teaching.
Like I said, news to me: all the Bible-believing Christians I know believe, like me, in a final judgement, but are largely agnostic (as they tend to be re eschatology generally) on the details and 'how' of that judgement. Must be a Pond difference, but I can tell you that the idea of there being three judgements (including a 'Bema' judgement) came out at me from leftfield - hence my (perhaps over-, sorry!) reaction to DHK's quote.
Third, if you had bothered to read my statements about these three judgements, you would have seen that I did offer scripture to show where they're found in the Bible.
Yes, I accept that, but it still leaves the contradiction problem I referenced above, which would suggest that the Scriptures are indeed ambiguous on this issue.