Here's my testimony. I would like to know if any of the experiences here qualify as being 'born again' the way Baptists understand it. I won't take it personally if people say no, I just want to know what to make of my experiences and where God wants to take me:
I was 23 and I had spent years going down a bad and dangerous path, bad even from the perspective of a non-believer, and from the perspective of the law. I believed in God and had received sacraments and knew I was wrong with God, (but the question of faith vs works was not in my mind at all at this time). I felt belonging to God was much more than external religious acts I had taken part in and I believed it required a complete giving of ourselves to God. I understood that my life was a mess and I desperately needed God to come into my life.
I decided that I wanted to be a Christian. I prayed and I asked God to come into my life. I said that wanted to give my life to Him and I believed in Him and wanted to belong to Him. I resolved from that day forward to turn away from my old life and live as He asked us to. I said from this day forward I would live my life for Him. I prayed and spent some time talking to God and thinking about this new way of life I was starting on, wondering where it would end up. But there wasn't any profound prayer, I didn't see lights or experience an unusual sense of God's presence. I felt happy and close to God but the prayer experience wasn't dramatic. But I consider that the day I was born again because it marked the beginning of my walk with God. Before that my life was distant from God, even if leading towards Him somehow, but now I was walking with God.
I expected this to mean that I would start observing religious rules and avoid the serious sins I was aware of and I that I would profess to others that I was a Christian. But it turned out so differently than I expected.
Over the next days I began to see God at work in my life. My conscience came alive showing me that there were so many things I would do differently now that I had never even considered. The first thing I noticed was that my conscience convicted me when my boss at the fast food restaurant I worked at offered me some coupons for free hamburgers that he had taken and was giving to employees. This was a far cry from the big things I had done wrong, but I realized that even in little things I would have to become righteous, and couldn't accept those coupons. I didn't know how to pray, but I asked the Holy Spirit to teach me to pray and would experience words come into my heart and mind showing me what to pray for and how to worship God. I hadn't been to the church just a block and a half from my house, but I went there and it was different from any church I had been to before and I felt a great sense of peace and connection with God and his people over the centuries while there. I feel that God's providence led me to have an apartment near this church where I would be able to feel accepted (I was quite shy). Learning from God continued over the years and I have been growing closer to God and learning how to be a Christian since then. For example teaching me how to truly love another person and leave behind unloving attitudes like jealousy. Spending time with God in prayer has changed my life.
16 years later (just last year) on a retreat I experienced 'baptism in the Holy Spirit' where I was given an interior vision of a transformation/healing worked in me and a sense of being God's child. The experience included a taste of my future in heaven worshiping God. I believe I actually experienced heaven (or aspects of it) for a few minutes. I don't understand if God was trying to make this transformation happen in me right then and there, and I didn't go along with it, or if it was meant to give me hope of His plans for me in the future. It had a huge impact on me and gave me great overwhelming joy and a knowledge that God was watching this miracle take place in me where I became a new person filled with joy and peace and was quite satisfied with himself for what he had worked in me. It came with such strong emotions that I couldn't think about it without weeping for weeks after.
I really do appreceate you giving your testimony. I cannot know what has taken place in your heart, only God knows, but I will only say this;
You never mentioned Jesus.
It's all about Jesus JarJo. It's not about prayers, or sacraments, or following the ten commandments. It is about Jesus Christ indwelling you! Conforming you into the image of Himself. It's Jesus changing you through regeneration.
The Jews are sincere about wanting God and following God are they not? Even the Muslims do the same. But believing in God will not do, nor will trying to do good and follow God's commands.
Salvation comes to those who's heart breaks at the testimony of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. When one beats upon one's chest for the sins he has committed that a righteous man of God, the Son of God, had to pay such a horrible death for. One who does not so much as lift his eyes up towards heaven and crys out to God "be merciful to me a sinner". (Luke 18:13)
Salvation comes to those who confess to God that their own righteousness is as filthy rags.
Salvation crys out, by the grace of God go I! I have nothing to offer you God that I may satisfy your condemnation of me, I only trust in my Lord and my God Jesus Christ. His grace and His mercy. My good works I will only offer You Lord as a token of my appreceation for your wonderful gift. I will not assume that my works will add anything to the great work that Jesus has done for me at Calvery!
I have met many of men who "decided" to follow Jesus. But that doesn't fill the void. These men try for awhile and they fall away, they have no root. One must see Jesus as the publican seen, and begin with God through surrendering to Jesus Christ.
I have had many people tell me that some day after they get right with god they will become a Christian or go to church. it doesnt work that way, they got it all backwards. It begins with a broken heart for sin and for Jesus Christ and Him crucified for that sin. Our sin.
Thanks again for sharing. :love2: