My take is that there are saved Catholics within the RCC, but the doctrine and theology of that Church is Apostate!Not cool. I suppose then that all the Letters to the churches are for your crew only ? I am excluding the Orthodox from them too because I am sure you feel the same way about them, being closely related to the RCC in many theology doctrines and all.
So as I said , all the Letter's to the Churches must be for you and your crew. That makes you all in a heap of trouble. I mean according to your opinion then, it would seem that you should know better and have gotten all things right by now. And since one of the Queens well was never part of Christ and is a Cult according to you, that would make them cold.
You know " I would rather that you were cold or hot , but because you are lukewarm I am about to spew you from My mouth".
Cold means you never knew Christ or accepted Him and HOT means you are on fire with the Holy Spirit and Lukewarm, well...... worse than being cold, because you know Christ and the truth and choose to be a back slider and have a little bit of this and that of the world, and heavenly things when convenient . That kind of person , people church = condition makes Him sick! Once He spews you out you are done!
So, like I said according to your opinion the Catholics are not Christian to be begin with so they must be COLD and better off than you. Not to mention all the other Letters that spell trouble for SIN ,that must be shed.
Wow! I read those Letter's and get them . I have been here for your crew only, all along.I mean according to your view. So I do not need to admonish anyone , of the Catholic denomination ( I mean cult). Because after all the letters are for the Churches not cults.
C'est la vie. I guess I will continue with all of the Protestants then and all their sects.![]()
And the Church did not give us the scriptures, as that was given to us by the Holy Spirit Himself!