It does not broaden the scope. John 6:35-40 includes the fact that everyone who comes will not be cast out.
That which I bolded I am in complete agreement with. Read throughout the OT and you will see that God was angry with His chosen people, and yet , at the same time, His arm was still stretched out. He was willing to bring them to Himself, but they refused and continually rebelled against Him. Just because God draws, doesn't mean they will be saved. Some will not come, and will suffer for eternity because of it.
In other words, my view of drawing that is in line with a miraclulous work of God within a soul does not say that God rejects anyone who comes.
Agreed. I never stated otherwise.
What it does say that it is necessary for God to draw people otherwise nobody would come.
So God can both weep over the lost who do not come and glory over those who He does save at the same time.
Agreed again. Kinda scary with the agreements, huh?
The very children God was weeping over were the ones you argued in my John 6:35-40 thread were hardened by His hand. Why would He weep over those He hardened?
Because God hardened their hearts due to their CONTINUAL rebellion against Him. Read throughout Malachi, and you will see the picture. They were polluting the alter with their halt, lame, sick, and not their best. They made the altar of the Lord contemptable by doing this.
In my view His not drawing someone to Himself is the very same as His hardening them.
Nope(why did you have to go and break our harmony there Brother?? LOL :laugh: ). By His drawing them, and them not coming, He does this. Read in Proverbs chapter one, and see how He was willing, but they more or less, pushed Him away. And they paid dearly for it. Also in Deuteronomy chapter one, see what happened there, as well. The read Leviticus chapter twenty six and how He states that if they walk in His statutes what He will do for them. And then if they do not walk in them, see what He said He would do.
How does He do this? Leave them in their blind and sinful state. He does this justly and obviously, in some sense, it is painful for Him to do this.
Again, God does this by offering salvation to them. If they rejected Him, they will suffer in hell. If they accept His offer, they will be with Him for eternity.
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