That is a ridiculous statement not worthy of a Christian!Originally posted by OldRegular:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by LadyEagle:
I'm sick of Muslim terrorist sympathizers - especially the ones at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The list is long and well documented about the Muslim sympathizers and terrorists that have been to the White House & if you check out the posts about it on the BB, you'll find them. Grover Norquist, Sami Al Arian, others. The new terrorist president of Iran who was in the group of American Hostage takers (remember him?) is being invited to the White House in a few weeks.
As far as him being a brother in Christ, consider his own words: an exclusive interview with ABC News' Charles Gibson, Bush said he believes that both Christians and Muslims worship the same God.
"I think we do. We have different routes of getting to the Almighty," Bush said. "But I want you to understand, I want your listeners to understand, I don't get to get decide who goes to heaven. The Almighty God decides who goes to heaven and I am on my personal walk," he said.
He got your vote, Old Reg, and the vote of Evangelical Christians, didn't he? That was the aim.
Do I hate him? No. I don't hate anybody. I pity him. And I pity our country for some of the stuff he has done.