Faking it? We are not here to coddle you, give you a blankey and tuck you in bed. We are talking about doctrine and dialogue, not relationship.
What I am saying is that you respond in a very prideful manner. Maybe you are faking it and doing a study on how Christians respond online to a prideful, secular evangelist. We really don’t know, so we deal with what is posted.
And what is posted is here for all to read. I've learned from many people here (to name a very few:
@JamesL helped me realize the impact of what we so often ignore in our traditions,
@TCassidy walked me through a very important distinction that I was not being very clear on when discussing the Atonement,
@Iconoclast provided me with some interesting sources regarding covenant theology....and there are so many more that have offered information through the years).
By all appearances, your pride has hindered your discipleship. Again, you are exhibiting what I believe to be the result of a couple of generations (mine included) that neglected biblical literacy in favor of evangelism. Your posts seem to reflect a deficit when it comes to Scripture and applying God's Word.
I hope that you will at least give "Grasping God's Word" a shot. I believe it will help you when you do humble yourself - and if you are a genuine believer, humility will come....one way or another. That's how you know you are His (God disciplines His true children).