OldRegular, I'm quoting multiple posts (some not directed at me) to draw together your entire argumentation. As noted above I am challenging your entire disposition about talking about this law while also saying your statements are blatantly false.
The democrats are stupid but not sufficiently stupid to call a board that controls cost a "death panel".
They claimed it did not fund abortions to get the vote of some pro life dems in the House. Turned out they were lying!
Neither of these statement proves your point. You have yet to show us, by using the free download of the law, where the "death panels" exist in the law You have posted a completely unrelated section of procedure for debate but nothing actually related to the law itself. Since you pride yourself on being such a redoubtable conservative you besmirch your reputation with such poor argumentation.
You have said nothing here that proves your point.
Anyone really think the Senate can do anything in 30 hours. Then what happens. The recommendations are deemed passed like the bill was???
This also reflects a misunderstanding of the law was passed. Frankly I'm appalled at how the Congress, both chambers, acted in passing this. A better line of argumentation overall is to challenge the conference committee that
like never before in the history of the United States took the mightily different Congressional and Senate bills and colluded to mash them together to form a final bill (which differed in major sections from the plurality of votes it took to pass it) and get it to the President. That is a more effective means of arguing against the bill.
OldRegular said:
I can't understand why FAL and PJ are so intent on defending this piece of Marxist garbage!
Whoa dude, don't ever accuse anyone on this board of this kind of stuff. I've never, ever on this board defended this bill
I'm asking you to apologize to FAL and myself for this ridiculous false accusation. Don't think that just because I'm calling you and your false charges out that I support the law.
OldRegular said:
I am not going to waste multiple hours trying to convince these two that the Board whose job it is to reduce the cost/person of medical care is not in effect a "death panel". The same people who passed this bill are the same people who fought against ever piece of pro life legislation in Congress and FAL and PJ want us to believe they give a rip about old people. Harry Reid, the real architect of the bill, has slopped at the taxpayers trough long enough that he won't be on Medicare so what does he care. And Obama is a dedicated baby killer!
This makes no sense. First of all the onus is on you to prove this, or any, statement you make on this board. If you say there are "death panels" (which is a ridiculous statement) you better be willing to prove it. Otherwise you are making a false accusation which violates Scripture.
It does to those with discernment. We have a non elected board placing limits on the actions of an elected body. If that is not of concern to you :tear:
This is a non sequitor and ad hominem attack. If you can't produce actual evidence for your claims you can't just call those of us challenging you "undiscerning" and besmirch us spiritually. That isn't fair or Christian.
I use the name "Death Panel" and I make no apologies for it!
So you can just make up terms and apply them ad hoc against things you don't like? I don't buy it.
OldRegular said:
Anyone with discernment should realize that the Bureaucracy of the Federal Government will seize power whenever possible. The 2700 page monstrosity, dubbed Obamacare, is supposedly written in Statutory Language which no one but the bureaucrats can really understand. There are groups with the expertise to understand and translate this language so that "normal" people can understand what is going on. The Heritage Foundation is one of these groups as "mandym" has noted.
Lots of bills are long. Look at the Tax Code or Budget that is passed every year. Look at the Defense Authorization Act, look at the Americans with Disability Act, etc
Just because its long doesn't mean its wrong. You can't argue against a bill's merits based on its length.
Plenty of Republican bills are just as long...and just as bad as this one.
OldRegular said:
I have listen to doctors on TV discuss the possible limitations placed by Obamacare on medical practice. I have personally had two family doctors express serious reservations about the consequences of Obamacare.
Big deal, I've had over a dozen.
But you still haven't proven there are death panels in this bill.
OldRegular said:
Anyone who has experience working with bureaucrats should be concerned about putting 16-20% of the economy in these people's hands. We have already seen that these people have no regard for religious scruples against abortion, contraceptives, the morning after pill, etc. What happens next?
Post hoc ergo propter hoc...just because a bureaucrat is in charge doesn't make the bill evil or bad. Plenty of bureaucrats work in the defense department. BTW, you
still haven't proven there are death panels.
OldRegular said:
Again, I use the name "Death Panel" and I make no apologies for it!
"fal" and "pj" can get their drawers in a knot if they choose. And they can call me whatever unbinds that knot a little as long as they don't question my salvation.
My drawers are "in a knot." But you are libeling yourself in front of the whole world. Because
you still haven't proven there are death panels.
I don't get this "I can call it whatever I want thing" either. You're completely discrediting yourself by propounding your ignorance.
Only the "blind or naive" would believe that a 2700 page bill, written behind closed doors in Harry Reid's suite, by persons unknown, apparently read by no members of Congress, and deemed to be passed, is not full of mischief for the people!
Not an argument or evidence for death panels.
Sport you have a serious problem. The entire law is 2700 pages long!
See my above comment. Listen in this forum, like others, the onus is on you to prove your claims. You haven't done this.
So what do we have from you:
* Poor argumentation and over the topic rhetoric
* Lots of red herrings and no actual interaction with the issues
* Still
no proof death panels are in the bill
OldRegular, where are the death panels?