Well-Known Member
I’ll take a shot at it.This thread is not about the KJV. Rather, that lies are in need of there being truth. Evil cannot exist without there first being good. And chaos requires order to exist.
Lies, Evil and Chaos do not exist at all ... they are like “darkness” or “cold”.
There is no such thing as darkness. You cannot quantifiably measure it. Darkness is the absence of light. Light exists, but darkness does not. Darkness is merely the human perception of less light.
There is no such thing as cold. Heat is the measure of the energy of vibration contained in the atoms and molecules of a substance. You can measure how much heat something has. You cannot measure how much cold something has. Cold is merely the human perception of less heat.
Lies do not exist. There is only Truth (and God is truth). Lies are the perceived absence of truth in words or facts.
Evil does not exist. There is only Good (and God is good). Evil is the perceived absence of good in words, actions or circumstances.
Chaos does not exist. There is only Order (and God is order). Chaos is the perceived absence of order in any event or system.
So Lies, Evil and Chaos are not real things, rather they are the perceived absence of the characteristics of God (Truth, Good, Order) in His creation. Lies are really “less truth”, evil is “less good” and chaos is “less order”. Pure Lies, Evil and Chaos is really ... nothing ... the total absence of God’s attributes. That is “Hell” existence in nothingness.